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CUDAQ[] returns False on my Mac OS 10.13.2. I typed Needs["CUDALink`"] and it returns no error.

CUDAResourceInformation[] gives me the information of my system. But CUDAInformation[] does not.

CUDAQ[] returns False.

I tried CUDAResourcesUninstall and CUDAResourcesInstall. But it does not help. Anybody have a solution.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Does your graphics card support CUDA at all? Apple hasn't used NVIDIA cards since 2014. If yes, does CUDA work on your computer at all (have you tried other programs)? Since upgrading to 10.13, I haven't been able to get CUDA working. It keeps giving me an "update required" message. $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Jan 5, 2018 at 15:32

1 Answer 1


(For posterity,) the "Update Required" is because High Sierra is (probably) using the Apple NVIDIA driver. You need to install

  1. NVIDIA's web drivers
  2. their CUDA driver
  3. the correct CUDA libraries for your "updates version" of Mac OS.

Finally as always with NVIDIA drivers, the version you use has to be compatible with the version of the software you are trying to pair with: for example - Xcode 10.1 will work ok with CUDA 10 drivers but not CUDA 8 drivers. The same is probably true of Mathematica.


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