takes a complex specification including vertex, edge and packing layouts. These often have sub-options to control the details of the layout.
It is reasonable to expect packing layouts to have sub-options to control things such as the tightness of packing. Can we pass sub-options to packing layouts? Is there a way to control packing tightness or other parameters?
Why do I think this should be possible?
Here's a graph illustrating a complex GraphLayout
Graph[{1 -> 2, 1 -> 5, 3 -> 4},
VertexLabels -> Placed["Name", Center],
VertexSize -> {"Scaled", 0.2}, VertexShapeFunction -> "Capsule",
PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
GraphLayout -> {
"VertexLayout" -> {"LayeredEmbedding", "LeafDistance" -> 0.5},
"PackingLayout" -> "ClosestPacking"}
When using an incorrect sub-option, Mathematica usually reports an error that includes the valis sub-option names. For example, if we misspell "LeafDistance" above, we get
Graph::moptx: Method option LeaDistance in LayeredDrawing is not one of
These are all the documented sub-options, plus an undocumented one: "Rotation"
. How to use it is easy to guess: try "Rotation" -> Pi/2
We can try to discover packing layout sub-options in the same way. If I use "PackingLayout" -> {"ClosestPacking", foo -> 1}
, then I get
Graph::moptx: Method option foo in Automatic is not one of
This indicates that there should be sub-options (although polyomino is misspelt).
But trying to pass any of these sub-options causes the graph to fail to render. In fact just trying "PackingLayout" -> {"ClosestPacking"}
(i.e. adding braces) causes the graph to fail to render. I get
Question: Can we somehow make use of these sub-options (if they are indeed implemented), either through documented or undocumented means?