Is it a bug?
In[1]:= NSum[Abs[Sin[n]], {n, 1, 24}]
Out[1]= 15.7476
In[2]:= NSum[Abs[Sin[n]], {n, 1, 25}]
NSum::nsnum: Summand (or its derivative) Cos[n] (Abs^\[Prime])[Sin[n]] is not numerical at point n = 16.
Out[2]= NSum[Abs[Sin[n]], {n, 1, 25}]
OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
Total[Abs[Sin[#]] & /@ Range[25]] // N
seems to work fine. So bug is in NSum and not in Sin[ ]. $\endgroup$NSum
uses extrapolation to approximate the result. This approximation requires taking derivatives of the input. Your input does not have a derivative defined over the complex plane, and so Mathematica issues an error message and returns the input unevaluated. $\endgroup$N@Sum[...]
works fine, though). $\endgroup$