I'm trying to compute the chromatic number of this graph (which is 28):
g = Import@"http://www.info.univ-angers.fr/pub/porumbel/graphs/dsjc250.5.col";
My genetic algorithm is getting stuck at an upper bound of 38 vertex colors:
In[] := Timing @ GAColor[g, 10, 20, 3]
Out[293]= {19.178072, {38, {28, 16, ...., 3, 22}}}
I've written the general GA implementation, but I'm using naive recombination and mutation, and my mathematica code is slow. My question is, how could I improve on this with more clever choices of Combine[] and Mutate[], as well as faster code, in the general? I'm by no means an expert here, so I'm sure there are many possible improvements both theoretically and algorithmically...
GAColor[g_Graph, PopulationSize_Integer:100, NumberOfGenerations_Integer:10, NumberOfMutants_Integer:0, mutationRadius_Integer:Automatic] := Module[
{NumberOfVertices = VertexCount @ g, NumberOfBreeders, PermuteColorClasses, MutationRadius, Combine, Mutate, PopulationStep,
InitializePopulation, InitalPopulation, Generations, BestFitness = \[Infinity], BestColoring, GenerationsFitness, Chromatize, Adjacencies, result},
MutationRadius = If[mutationRadius === Automatic, NumberOfVertices, mutationRadius];
Adjacencies = Last /@ Transpose /@ GatherBy[First /@ Most[ArrayRules[AdjacencyMatrix[g]]], First];
NumberOfBreeders = PopulationSize - NumberOfMutants;
PermuteColorClasses[colors_, n_:1] := Module[{p},
p = {#, Flatten @ Position[colors, #]}& /@ Union[colors];
p[[All, 1]] = RandomSample[p[[All,1]]];
ReplacePart[ConstantArray[0, Length[colors]], Flatten[Rule @@@ Thread[Reverse@#]& /@ p]]
Chromatize[colorVector_] := Module[{f, h, min, co = colorVector},
f = Function[{c,v},
ReplacePart[c, v -> With[{ncols = c[[Adjacencies[[v]]]]},
For[min = 1, MemberQ[ncols, min], min++]; min]
h = Function[{c}, Fold[f, c, RandomSample[Range[NumberOfVertices]]]];
FixedPoint[h, co]
Combine[colorVector1_, colorVector2_] := MapThread[RandomChoice[{#1, #2}]&, {colorVector1, colorVector2}];
Mutate[colorVector_, mr_] := Permute[colorVector, RandomPermutation[mr]];
PopulationStep[population_, NumberOfBreeders_] := Module[
{fitness = Max /@ population, breeders, children, mutants},
With[{min = Min[fitness]}, If[min < BestFitness, BestFitness = min]];
breeders = RandomChoice[fitness -> population, NumberOfBreeders];
children = Chromatize /@ Table[Combine @@ RandomChoice[breeders, 2], {NumberOfBreeders}
mutants = Mutate[#, MutationRadius]& /@ RandomChoice[breeders, NumberOfMutants];
Join[children, mutants]
InitalPopulation = With[{color = Chromatize[RandomSample[Range @ NumberOfVertices]]},
Table[PermuteColorClasses[color], {PopulationSize}]
Generations = NestList[PopulationStep[#, NumberOfBreeders]&, InitalPopulation, NumberOfGenerations];
GenerationsFitness = Map[Max, Generations, {2}];
BestColoring = Extract[Generations, Position[GenerationsFitness, BestFitness, {2}, 1]][[1]];
If[Or @@ (BestColoring[[First[#]]] == BestColoring[[Last[#]]]& /@ First /@ Most[ArrayRules[AdjacencyMatrix[g]]]),
$Failed, {BestFitness, BestColoring}
For those with Mathematica 7 or Less
Here is code that doesn't use the version 8 Graph object, it's pretty much exactly the same:
GAColor[adjmatrix_, PopulationSize_Integer:100, NumberOfGenerations_Integer:10, NumberOfMutants_Integer:0, mutationRadius_Integer:Automatic] := Module[
{NumberOfVertices = Length @ adjmatrix, NumberOfBreeders, PermuteColorClasses, MutationRadius, Combine, Mutate, PopulationStep,
InitializePopulation, InitalPopulation, Generations, BestFitness = \[Infinity], BestColoring, GenerationsFitness, Chromatize, Adjacencies, result},
MutationRadius = If[mutationRadius === Automatic, NumberOfVertices, mutationRadius];
Adjacencies = Last /@ Transpose /@ GatherBy[First /@ Most[ArrayRules[adjmatrix]], First];
NumberOfBreeders = PopulationSize - NumberOfMutants;
PermuteColorClasses[colors_, n_:1] := Module[{p},
p = {#, Flatten @ Position[colors, #]}& /@ Union[colors];
p[[All, 1]] = RandomSample[p[[All,1]]];
ReplacePart[ConstantArray[0, Length[colors]], Flatten[Rule @@@ Thread[Reverse@#]& /@ p]]
Chromatize[colorVector_] := Module[{f, h, min, co = colorVector},
f = Function[{c,v},
ReplacePart[c, v -> With[{ncols = c[[Adjacencies[[v]]]]},
For[min = 1, MemberQ[ncols, min], min++]; min]
h = Function[{c}, Fold[f, c, RandomSample[Range[NumberOfVertices]]]];
FixedPoint[h, co]
Combine[colorVector1_, colorVector2_] := MapThread[RandomChoice[{#1, #2}]&, {colorVector1, colorVector2}];
Mutate[colorVector_, mr_] := Permute[colorVector, RandomPermutation[mr]];
PopulationStep[population_, NumberOfBreeders_] := Module[
{fitness = Max /@ population, breeders, children, mutants},
With[{min = Min[fitness]}, If[min < BestFitness, BestFitness = min]];
breeders = RandomChoice[fitness -> population, NumberOfBreeders];
children = Chromatize /@ Table[Combine @@ RandomChoice[breeders, 2], {NumberOfBreeders}
mutants = Mutate[#, MutationRadius]& /@ RandomChoice[breeders, NumberOfMutants];
Join[children, mutants]
InitalPopulation = With[{color = Chromatize[RandomSample[Range @ NumberOfVertices]]},
Table[PermuteColorClasses[color], {PopulationSize}]
Generations = NestList[PopulationStep[#, NumberOfBreeders]&, InitalPopulation, NumberOfGenerations];
GenerationsFitness = Map[Max, Generations, {2}];
BestColoring = Extract[Generations, Position[GenerationsFitness, BestFitness, {2}, 1]][[1]];
If[Or @@ (BestColoring[[First[#]]] == BestColoring[[Last[#]]]& /@ First /@ Most[ArrayRules[adjmatrix]]),
$Failed, {BestFitness, BestColoring}
Here is the sample input graph (as a compressed adjacency matrix) to test it on: http://pastebin.com/t7gnTczD
The algorithm should give a chromatic number of 28 in a few seconds. Here are the other benchmarks: http://www.info.univ-angers.fr/pub/porumbel/graphs/
Even in version 8 of Mathematica there still are no tools to compute the chromatic number or index of a graph, let alone a fast upper bound. Here is an illustration of the simulated annealing that's going on inside the algorithm:
g = Uncompress@"1:eJzt...."; (* get this string from pastebin link *)
NumberOfVertices = Length @ g;
color = RandomSample[Range[NumberOfVertices], NumberOfVertices];
n = NumberOfVertices;
A = Last /@ Transpose /@ GatherBy[First /@ Most[ArrayRules[g]], First];
NeighborComplements = Function[c,
Module[{p, n, nc, r},
p = Flatten @ Position[color, c];
n = A[[p]];
nc = Map[color[[#]]&, n, {2}];
Thread @ {p, Complement[Range[c], #, {c}]& /@ nc}
Chromatic[g_, n_, col_:Range[NumberOfVertices]] := Module[{c=col, f, h, slow, fast},
f = Function[{c, v},
v -> Module[{i, com = Complement[Range[n], c[[A[[v]]]]]},
RandomChoice[Join[com, {c[[v]]}]]
h = Function[{c}, Fold[f, c, RandomSample[Range[NumberOfVertices], NumberOfVertices]]];
NestWhile[h, c, Max[#]>n&]
AbsoluteTiming[Monitor[color = NestWhile[Chromatic[g, n-=1, #]&, color, (color=#;n>1)&],
ListPlot[Sort @ color, PlotRange -> All, PlotLabel -> Max[color]]]]
This is an optimization problem, and I'm sure some of you know this area intimately. When you run this code you will see a plot of the color classes which decrease slowly to around 30 different colors for the 250 vertices, however this is only a local minimum, the global minimum and chromatic number of the graph is actually 28... so my code is inefficient, if you can design a completely new function, and/or use openCL or JavaLink that is ok too...
? Since I don't have that functionality I'm not sure what your data should look like. $\endgroup$