It's been asserted to me that there are two forms of representing a certain variable q
. One is more complicated than the other, but I've been told that they should deliver the same result.
The more complex form is:
q == (H (1 - H)/(a + c)) ((F (s - 1) s)/(F s - F - H s)^2)^2 + (F (1 - F)/(b + d)) (-(H (s - 1) s)/(F (s - 1) - H s)^2)^2
, where H == (a/(a + c))
, F == (b/(b + d))
, s == (a + c)/(a + b + c + d)
The simpler form is:
q == z^4((1-H)/a+(1-F)/b)a^2/b^2
, where in addition the variables I've previously defined we also have z == (b/(a + b))
I've tested various input values on the two forms, and they seem to always produce the same result. I wrote some code before that has worked in similar contexts. However, here Mathematica just runs for hours without reaching an answer.
Eliminate[{q == (H (1 - H)/(a + c)) ((F (s - 1) s)/(F s - F - H s)^2)^2 + (F (1 - F)/(b + d)) (-(H (s - 1) s)/(F (s - 1) - H s)^2)^2, H == (a/(a + c)), F == (b/(b + d)), s == (a + c)/(a + b + c + d), z == (b/(a + b))}, {s, c, d}]
Just in case it matters, I'll mention that a
, b
, c
, and d
all have to be positive integers. However, I haven't told Mathematica that.
with{s -> (a + c)/(a + b + c + d)}
it finishes quickly. $\endgroup$