When trying to code complex numbers into colors by e.g. using brightness as absolute value and hue as phase angle of a complex number (see one of the answers to the following question), I stumbled over the following strange behavior of the Graphics directive. When issuing the following command
ImageData[ColorConvert[Graphics[{Hue[0.25,1,0.75],Disk[]},ImageSize->{360, 360}],"HSB"]][[180,180]]
one would expect the result
however I get
I presume that Graphics does some colorscaling or -correction. However I found no option to e.g. set the white point or do any other color correction in Graphics. I know that the resulting color is potentially just subtilely different from the specified one, but if I would like to use such an image as an input to reconstruct a 2D array of complex numbers, the original data would be significantly distorted.
Any ideas how to influence this behaviour?