I have not found any exemple of your problem but I used the Deserno text at https://www.cmu.edu/biolphys/deserno/pdf/corr_gaussian_random.pdf to code your problem as :
cgrn = NestList[
E^(-1/τ) # +
Sqrt[1 - (E^(-1/τ))^2] RandomReal[NormalDistribution[]] &,
RandomReal[NormalDistribution[]], 100];
As a beginner you certainly needs some explanations :
Mathematica collects nearly all the programming paradigms but it is trully efficient if you use the functional programming one. So forget the loops.
Here I use Nest --- more specifically NestList which insert in a list all the calculated elements of the nested function --- i.e. : $f[f[f[...[x]]...]$. Here one has $cgrn = [f[x], f^2[x],..., f^{100}[x]]$
The best thing is not to list $cgrn$ but to plot it.
On must now verify if it is a gaussian process. As it is stationnary one can try to plot an histogram with more data --- 1000.
ℋ = DistributionFitTest[cgrn, Automatic, "HypothesisTestData"];
ℋ["TestDataTable", All]
If you know some thing about tests I let you find the result which can be verified by eyesight with
Show[Histogram[cgrn, Automatic, "ProbabilityDensity"],
Plot[PDF[ℋ["FittedDistribution"], x], {x, -5, 5},
PlotStyle -> Thick]]
Now in what concerns the autocorrelation function you have many choice to verify if it replicates what you expect.
acf = ListCorrelate[cgrn, cgrn, {1, 1}, 0];
ListPlot[cgrn, Filling -> Axis]
ListPlot[CorrelationFunction[cgrn, {2, 50}], Filling -> Axis]
This last picture shows that I have made a mistake. I have tried also with the following code
cgr[0] = RandomReal[NormalDistribution[]] ;
cgr[n_] := cgr[n] = E^(-1/\[Tau]) cgr[n - 1] + Sqrt[1 - (E^(-1/\[Tau]))^2] RandomReal[NormalDistribution[]]
cgrn1 := Table[cgr[i], {i, 1, 1000}];
but I encounter the same problem. Nevertheless I have decided to post my code since your question has no answer for a long time and perhaps it could help you. I hope also that an other person will see the code and will find my mistake.
I add tha of course I have not taken exactly your correlation function but even with a correction I encounter the same mistake.