It might be a little too late and also I am not claiming that it is the correct way, statistically speaking, for the HMM set-up. I am only presenting a possible programmatic way of answering the OP's question.
(*produce fake data*)
data = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0,1],100];
(*estimate the parameters of the first pdf you want*)
paramsP =
StableDistribution[1, Subscript[\[Alpha], p], Subscript[\[Beta], p],
Subscript[\[Mu], p], Subscript[\[Sigma], p]]]
(*estimate the parameters of the second pdf you want*)
paramsN =
StableDistribution[1, Subscript[\[Alpha], n], Subscript[\[Beta], n],
Subscript[\[Mu], n], Subscript[\[Sigma], n]]]
(*define the HMM set-up*)
class = HiddenMarkovProcess[{1/2,
1/2}, {{0.5, 0.5}, {0.5,
0.5}}, {StableDistribution[1, Subscript[\[Alpha], p],
Subscript[\[Beta], p], Subscript[\[Mu], p], Subscript[\[Sigma],
p]] /. paramsP,
StableDistribution[1, Subscript[\[Alpha], n], Subscript[\[Beta],
n], Subscript[\[Mu], n], Subscript[\[Sigma], n]] /. paramsN}]
(*estimate the HMM process*)
hmm = EstimatedProcess[data, class]
(*find the States*)
foundStates = FindHiddenMarkovStates[data, hmm, "PosteriorDecoding"]
gives an example for the Exponential distribution. I appears that you can specify the name of any distribution (and that might likely include any "constructed" distribution usingTransformedDistribution
, etc.). $\endgroup$EstimatedProcess[data, HiddenMarkovProcess[2, "Gaussian"]]
andEstimatedProcess[data, HiddenMarkovProcess[2, NormalDistribution[a, b]]]
on theHiddenMarkovProcess/Scope/Estimation
example. $\endgroup$NormalDistribution[a, b]
,NormalDistribution[103.2, b]
, andNormalDistribution[a, 17.6]
give exactly the same output butNormalDistribution[0, 1]
results in an error. So certainly more online documentation would be welcomed. Also, there are no measures of precision given which for me makes the result being of unknown value (except for getting starting values for a function the does give estimates of precision). $\endgroup$