Rencently, I ecountered the following numerical intergral: $$ \begin{cases} \mathbf I_1=\displaystyle \int_{t}\mathbf N' {\mathbf N'}^{\text T}{\rm d}t\\ \mathbf I_2=\displaystyle \int_{t}\mathbf N'' {\mathbf N''}^{\text T}{\rm d}t \end{cases} $$
$$ \begin{cases} \mathbf N'=[N'_{0,p}(t),\cdots,N'_{n,p}(t)]^{\text T}\\ \mathbf N''=[N''_{0,p}(t),\cdots,N''_{n,p}(t)]^{\text T} \end{cases} $$
$N_{i,p}(t)$ is the $i$-th B-spline basis function of degree $p$ and defined on the knot vector $\mathbf T=\{t_0,\cdots,t_{n+p+1}\}$, which could be compute by the built-in BSplineBasis[{p, T}, i, t]
. Furthermore, $N'_{i,p}(t), N''_{i,p}(t)$ are the first derivatives and second derivatives of $N_{i,p}(t)$, respectively.
My trial
n = 6;
knots = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0.350812, 0.509446, 0.648472, 1, 1, 1, 1};
Nder1 = D[BSplineBasis[{3, knots}, #, x] & /@ Range[0, n], x];
I1expr = Outer[Times, Nder1, Nder1];
I1 = NIntegrate[I1expr, {x, 0, 1}]
Nder2 = D[BSplineBasis[{3, knots}, #, x] & /@ Range[0, n], {x, 2}];
I2expr = Outer[Times, Nder2, Nder2];
I2 = NIntegrate[I2expr, {x, 0, 1}]
For this simple case $n=6$, I discovered that NIntegrate[]
takes about 0.85s
and 0.99s
for $\mathbf I_1$ and $\mathbf I_2$, respectively. In additon, it is very intersting to see that the $\mathbf I_1$ and $\mathbf I_2$ are symmetric matrix.
However, when $n=99$, $\mathbf I_1$ will take about 5 min
. Obviously, it's very time-consuming! While for the actual case, $n$ ranges from $100$ to $1000$.
So I would like to know:
- Is there good strategy to speed up it?
Some strategies I could come up with:
(1) For the $\mathbf I_1$, which is a matrix with dimensions $\{n+1,n+1\}$
$$I_{i,j}=\int_tN'_{i,p}(t)N'_{j,p}(t){\rm d}t\Rightarrow I_{i,j}=I_{j,i}$$
Namely, $\mathbf I_1$ is a symmetric matrix, we just need to calculate the lower triangular. $$ \begin{pmatrix} I_{0,0}\\ I_{1,0} & I_{1,1}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots\\ I_{n,0} & I_{n,1} & \cdots & I_{n,n} \end{pmatrix} $$
(2)The first derivatives $N'_{i,p}(t)$ has the following identity:
$$ N'_{i,p}(t)=p\left( \frac{N_{i,p-1}(t)}{t_{i+p}-t_i}-\frac{N_{i+1,p-1}(t)}{t_{i+p+1}-t_{i+1}} \right) $$
(3) Local supporting property
If $t\notin [t_i,t_{i+p+1})$, then $N_{i,p}(t)=0$. So I guess some items must be equal to $0$. i.e., there is no need to calculate them painfully.
According to (1) ~ (3), the matrix $\mathbf I_1$ should be a an $(n+1) \times (n+1)$ symmetric banded matrix as shown below.
does.) This has been discussed for lists in these posts/answers: "NIntegrate over a list of functions", "How to avoid repetitive calculation when doing numerical integral?". $\endgroup$