I need to solve the following function:
$$ h(z) = \sum^{40}_{k=0} \frac{k \, p(k)}{z- k \, h(z)} $$ where $p(k)$ is a probability distribution (in this case binomial with n = 40). Note that $h(z)$ is also inside the sum and also that $z$ is inside. I've been struggling to solve this function. I'm sortof interested in the case in which this sum is solvable but I am sure of certain cases in which the expression is exactly solvable. Also Mathematically one can deduce that the solution will have an imaginary part. An example could be for a binomial distribution as following. I think I didn't define well here that h[z] is actually a function.
p[n_, k, pkans_] := Binomial[n - 1, k]*pkans^k*(1 - pkans)^(n - 1 - k);
s = Solve[h[z] == Sum[(k*p[40, k, 0.6])/(z - k*h[z]), {k, 0, 40}],h[z]]
My question would be how I could try to use Mathematica to solve this equation? I am not sure how to use the solve command for functions. Also I would like to extend solving these equations to other probability distributions and to continuous distributions as well.
Note further that $h(z)$ is in the denominator dependent on $z$ as well as $h(z)$ .
{x, 0, 40}
should be{k, 0, 40}
? $\endgroup$