I'm not an advanced user of Mathematica, and yet I managed to get the Manipulate
command work to do something interesting. The problem I have is that I have the feeling that the code I wrote is really sloppy and can be improved/simplified greatly (specially the output could be made much better). Say you have a triangle defined by points p1,p2,p3
, and there is a line that's defined by points l1,l2
. Given the locations of all this points, the line is used to find intersection points with the edges of the triangle and these new points are used to subdivide the original triangle in sub-triangles and I use area coordinates to do some computation. The code I currently have is as follows:
At[X_] := 1/2 Det[( {
{1, X[[1, 1]], X[[1, 2]]},
{1, X[[2, 1]], X[[2, 2]]},
{1, X[[3, 1]], X[[3, 2]]}
} )]
N1t[x_, y_, X_] := (1/(
2 At[X]))(X[[2, 1]] X[[3, 2]] -
X[[3, 1]] X[[2,
2]] + (X[[2, 2]] - X[[3, 2]]) x + (X[[3, 1]] - X[[2, 1]]) y)
N2t[x_, y_, X_] := (1/(
2 At[X]))(X[[3, 1]] X[[1, 2]] -
X[[1, 1]] X[[3,
2]] + (X[[3, 2]] - X[[1, 2]]) x + (X[[1, 1]] - X[[3, 1]]) y)
N3t[x_, y_, X_] := (1/(
2 At[X]))(X[[1, 1]] X[[2, 2]] -
X[[2, 1]] X[[1,
2]] + (X[[1, 2]] - X[[2, 2]]) x + (X[[2, 1]] - X[[1, 1]]) y)
{P1, P2, P3, L1, L2} = {p1, p2, p3, l1, l2};
Module[{m = (l2[[2]] - l1[[2]])/(l2[[1]] - l1[[1]]),
mi = (p3[[2]] - p1[[2]])/(p3[[1]] - p1[[1]]),
mj = (p3[[2]] - p2[[2]])/(p3[[1]] - p2[[1]]), a, b = -1, c, ci, cj,
xi, yi, xj, yj, pi, pj},
a = m;
c = l1[[2]] - m l1[[1]];
ci = -mi p1[[1]];
cj = -mj p2[[1]];
xi = xi /. Solve[m xi + c == mi xi + ci, xi][[1]];
yi = m xi + c;
pi = {xi, yi};
xj = xj /. Solve[m xj + c == mj xj + cj, xj][[1]];
yj = m xj + c;
pj = {xj, yj};
eq1 = FullSimplify[
wi1 N2t[x, y, {p3, pi, pj}] == -N3t[x, y, {p1, p2, p3}]];
eq2 = FullSimplify[
wi2 N3t[x, y, {p1, pj, pi}] == N1t[x, y, {p1, p2, p3}]];
wi = FullSimplify[Solve[eq1 && eq2, {wi1, wi2}]] /. {x -> pi[[1]],
y -> pi[[2]]};
eq3 = FullSimplify[
wj1 N3t[x, y, {p3, pi, pj}] == -N3t[x, y, {p1, p2, p3}]];
eq4 = FullSimplify[
wj2 N3t[x, y, {p1, p2, pj}] == N2t[x, y, {p1, p2, p3}]];
wj = FullSimplify[Solve[eq3 && eq4, {wj1, wj2}]] /. {x -> pj[[1]],
y -> pj[[2]]};
{Plot[m (x - l1[[1]]) + l1[[2]], {x, 0, 1}, Axes -> None,
Epilog -> {
Thick, {Line[{p1, p2, p3, p1}], Line[{p1, p2, pj, p1}],
Line[{p3, pi, pj, p3}]}
PlotRange -> {{-0.1, 1.1}, {0, 1}},
AspectRatio -> Automatic], Style["pi", Bold], pi,
Style["pj", Bold], pj, Style["wi (both)", Bold], wi,
Style["wi", Bold], -wi1 /. wi[[1, 1]],
Style["wj (both)", Bold], wj,
Style["wj", Bold], -wj1 /. wj[[1, 1]]}
{{p1, {0, 0}}, Locator},
{{p2, {1, 0}}, Locator},
{{p3, {0.5, 1}}, Locator},
{{l1, {-0.1, 1/2}}, Locator},
{{l2, {1.1, 1/2}}, Locator}]
I don't like the fact that I'm repeating code to compute intersection points between the line and the sides of the triangle. I also don't like the fact that I can move these points even to places where the computation no longer makes any sense (for example, have the two line points not intersect the triangle). How can I improve this script? Is there a way to constraint the location of those points in Manipulate?
After suggestions, this is my new version of the code.
In[1]:= At[X_] := 1/2 Det[( {
{1, X[[1, 1]], X[[1, 2]]},
{1, X[[2, 1]], X[[2, 2]]},
{1, X[[3, 1]], X[[3, 2]]}
} )]
N1t[x_, y_, X_] :=
1/(2 At[X]) (X[[2, 1]] X[[3, 2]] -
X[[3, 1]] X[[2,
2]] + (X[[2, 2]] - X[[3, 2]]) x + (X[[3, 1]] - X[[2, 1]]) y)
N2t[x_, y_, X_] :=
1/(2 At[X]) (X[[3, 1]] X[[1, 2]] -
X[[1, 1]] X[[3,
2]] + (X[[3, 2]] - X[[1, 2]]) x + (X[[1, 1]] - X[[3, 1]]) y)
N3t[x_, y_, X_] :=
1/(2 At[X]) (X[[1, 1]] X[[2, 2]] -
X[[2, 1]] X[[1,
2]] + (X[[1, 2]] - X[[2, 2]]) x + (X[[2, 1]] - X[[1, 1]]) y)
In[5]:= eq1[p1_, p2_, p3_, pi_, pj_] :=
wi1 N2t[x, y, {p3, pi, pj}] == -N3t[x, y, {p1, p2, p3}];
eq2[p1_, p2_, p3_, pi_, pj_] :=
wi2 N3t[x, y, {p1, pj, pi}] == N1t[x, y, {p1, p2, p3}];
Weight1[p1_, p2_, p3_, pi_, pj_] :=
Solve[eq1[p1, p2, p3, pi, pj] && eq2[p1, p2, p3, pi, pj], {wi1,
In[8]:= eq3[p1_, p2_, p3_, pi_, pj_] :=
wj1 N3t[x, y, {p3, pi, pj}] == -N3t[x, y, {p1, p2, p3}];
eq4[p1_, p2_, p3_, pi_, pj_] :=
wj2 N3t[x, y, {p1, p2, pj}] == N2t[x, y, {p1, p2, p3}];
Weight2[p1_, p2_, p3_, pi_, pj_] :=
Solve[eq3[p1, p2, p3, pi, pj] && eq4[p1, p2, p3, pi, pj], {wj1,
In[13]:= Manipulate[
Module[{m = (l2[[2]] - l1[[2]])/(l2[[1]] - l1[[1]]),
mi = (p3[[2]] - p1[[2]])/(p3[[1]] - p1[[1]]),
mj = (p3[[2]] - p2[[2]])/(p3[[1]] - p2[[1]]), a, b = -1, c, ci, cj,
xi, yi, xj, yj, pi, pj},
a = m;
c = l1[[2]] - m l1[[1]];
ci = -mi p1[[1]];
cj = -mj p2[[1]];
xi = xi /. Solve[m xi + c == mi xi + ci, xi][[1]];
yi = m xi + c;
pi = {xi, yi};
xj = xj /. Solve[m xj + c == mj xj + cj, xj][[1]];
yj = m xj + c;
pj = {xj, yj};
wi = Weight1[p1, p2, p3, pi, pj] /. {x -> pi[[1]], y -> pi[[2]]};
wj = Weight2[p1, p2, p3, pi, pj] /. {x -> pj[[1]], y -> pj[[2]]};
{Plot[m (x - l1[[1]]) + l1[[2]], {x, 0, 1}, Axes -> None,
Epilog -> {
Thick, {Line[{p1, p2, p3, p1}], Line[{p1, p2, pj, p1}],
Line[{p3, pi, pj, p3}]}
PlotRange -> {{-0.1, 1.1}, {0, 1}},
AspectRatio -> Automatic], Style["pi", Bold], pi,
Style["pj", Bold], pj, Style["wi (both)", Bold], wi,
Style["wi", Bold], -wi1 /. wi[[1, 1]],
Style["wi check (1-wi)", Bold], 1 + wi1 /. wi[[1, 1]],
Style["wj (both)", Bold], wj,
Style["wj", Bold], -wj1 /. wj[[1, 1]],
Style["wj check (1-wj)", Bold] , 1 + wj1 /. wj[[1, 1]]}
{{p1, {0, 0}}, Locator},
{{p2, {1, 0}}, Locator},
{{p3, {0.5, 1}}, Locator},
{{l1, {-0.1, 1/2}}, Locator},
{{l2, {1.1, 1/2}}, Locator}]
After some work, this is my most current version (the code is compact, so it's not optimized for speed)
In[1]:= (* Shape functions *)
At[X_] := 1/2 Det[( {
{1, X[[1, 1]], X[[1, 2]]},
{1, X[[2, 1]], X[[2, 2]]},
{1, X[[3, 1]], X[[3, 2]]}
} )]
N1t[x_, y_, X_] :=
1/(2 At[X]) (X[[2, 1]] X[[3, 2]] -
X[[3, 1]] X[[2,
2]] + (X[[2, 2]] - X[[3, 2]]) x + (X[[3, 1]] - X[[2, 1]]) y)
N2t[x_, y_, X_] :=
1/(2 At[X]) (X[[3, 1]] X[[1, 2]] -
X[[1, 1]] X[[3,
2]] + (X[[3, 2]] - X[[1, 2]]) x + (X[[1, 1]] - X[[3, 1]]) y)
N3t[x_, y_, X_] :=
1/(2 At[X]) (X[[1, 1]] X[[2, 2]] -
X[[2, 1]] X[[1,
2]] + (X[[1, 2]] - X[[2, 2]]) x + (X[[2, 1]] - X[[1, 1]]) y)
(* Intersection between two lines *)
intersect[{p1x_, p1y_}, {p2x_, p2y_}, {q1x_, q1y_}, {q2x_, q2y_}] :=
With[{d1 = Det[( {
{p1x, p1y},
{p2x, p2y}
} )], d2 = Det[( {
{q1x, q1y},
{q2x, q2y}
} )], d3 = Det[( {
{p1x - p2x, p1y - p2y},
{q1x - q2x, q1y - q2y}
} )]}, {Det[( {
{d1, p1x - p2x},
{d2, q1x - q2x}
} )]/d3, Det[( {
{d1, p1y - p2y},
{d2, q1y - q2y}
} )]/d3}]
Interactive environment
In[3]:= Manipulate[
DynamicModule[{m = (l2[[2]] - l1[[2]])/(l2[[1]] - l1[[1]]), pi, pj, wi, wj},
(* Find intersection points *)
pi = {pix, piy} = intersect[p1, p3, l1, l2];
pj = {pjx, pjy} = intersect[p2, p3, l1, l2];
(* Compute weight equations *)
Wi1eq = Simplify[
wi1 N2t[pix, piy, {p3, pi, pj}]] == -Simplify[
N3t[pix, piy, {p1, p2, p3}]];
Wi2eq = Simplify[wi2 N3t[pix, piy, {p1, pj, pi}]] ==
Simplify[N1t[pix, piy, {p1, p2, p3}]];
Wj1eq = Simplify[
wj1 N3t[pjx, pjy, {p3, pi, pj}]] == -Simplify[
N3t[pjx, pjy, {p1, p2, p3}]];
Wj2eq = Simplify[wj2 N3t[pjx, pjy, {p1, p2, pj}]] ==
Simplify[N2t[pjx, pjy, {p1, p2, p3}]];
(* Output *)
Plot[m (x - l1[[1]]) + l1[[2]], {x, 0, 1}, Axes -> None,
Epilog -> {Thick, PointSize[0.056],
{Line[{p1, p2, p3, p1}],
Line[{p1, p2, pj, p1}],
Line[{p3, pi, pj, p3}],
{Red, Point[pi]},
{Red, Point[pj]},
PlotRange -> {{-1/2, 3/2}, {-0.1, 1.1}},
AspectRatio -> Automatic],
(* Node i *)
Style["\nNode i", Bold, FontSize -> 14],
Row[{Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(p\), \(i\)]\) = ", Bold], pi}],
"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(w\), \(i1\)]\),\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(w\), \(i2\)]\
\) = ", Bold], {Wi1eq[[2]], Wi2eq[[2]]}}],
Row[{Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(w\), \(i\)]\) = ", Bold], -Wi1eq[[2]]}],
"check: 1 - \!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(w\), \(i\)]\) = \
\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(w\), \(i2\)]\):", Bold], 1 + Wi1eq[[2]]}],
(* Node j *)
Style["\nNode j", Bold, FontSize -> 14],
Row[{Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(p\), \(j\)]\) = ", Bold], pj}],
"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(w\), \(j1\)]\),\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(w\), \(j2\)]\
\) = ", Bold], {Wj1eq[[2]], Wj2eq[[2]]}}],
Row[{Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(w\), \(j\)]\) = ", Bold], -Wj1eq[[2]]}],
"check: 1 - \!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(w\), \(j\)]\) = \
\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(w\), \(j2\)]\): ", Bold], 1 + Wj1eq[[2]]}]
{{p1, {0, 0}}, Locator},
{{p2, {1, 0}}, Locator},
{{p3, {0.5, 1}}, Locator},
{{l1, {-0.1, 1/2}}, Locator},
{{l2, {1.1, 1/2}}, Locator}]
; they are typically slow, and mostly not necessary if you are going to do further calculations on the results anyway. After that, I'd suggest that you consider solving the involved equations symbolically once and for all, and saving the solutions to variables / functions outside the manipulate, so you avoid recalculation. $\endgroup$a
and uppercaseP1, P2, P3, L1
defined that are not present in the code. They can be removed. Take all of theSolve
code outside of this manipulate and solve them once symbolically forwi
in terms of your points. That will reduce the work inside of theManipulate
. Constraining theLocators
is more work. I think you have to useDynamic
and apply the constraint as shown here $\endgroup$Dynamic
part which I think it will be quite tough). Is this what you have in mind? $\endgroup$wi
outside of theManipulate
. See the answer below. $\endgroup$