My goal is to set up a Ising-type simulation, where many fast simulation steps are done in the background, and a visualization of the current state is displayed as the simulation evolves, being updated once or twice per second. I manage to do that by displaying an image of the system inside Dynamic
, and having the image being refreshed regularly inside a scheduled task (RunScheduledTask
). The simulation itself happens in a long Do
loop, and its parameters vary by being Control
's. Here's the full code I designed for that:
L = 100;
sys = 2*Array[RandomInteger[] &, {L, L}] - 1;
img = Image[sys, Magnification -> 2];
Row[{"Temperature: ", Control[{{temp, 2.0}, 0.1, 4.}]}],
RunScheduledTask[img = Image[sys, Magnification -> 2], 0.5];
{i, j} = RandomInteger[{1, #}] & /@ Dimensions@sys;
dE = 0; s = sys[[i, j]];
If[i > 1, dE += sys[[i - 1, j]]]; If[i < L, dE += sys[[i + 1, j]]];
If[j > 1, dE += sys[[i, j - 1]]]; If[j < L, dE += sys[[i, j + 1]]];
dE *= 2*s;
If[dE < 0 || RandomReal[] < Exp[-dE/temp], sys[[i, j]] *= -1];
(the entire code inside the Do
loop is the physics of the system. If you don't know what an Ising model is, you can safely ignore it. I included it to post a self-sufficient code.)
The above may not be pretty, because it's the first time I do these things, but it does work. However, I cannot export it into a working CDF file, because the doc says:
Use the Manipulate command to generate interactive content controlled by mouse-driven actions.
I've spent an hour or so trying to wrap the whole thing in a Manipulate
, but it doesn't work. The best I could do was to split it up, like that:
img = Image[sys, Magnification -> 2]
{i, j} = RandomInteger[{1, #}] & /@ Dimensions@sys;
dE = 0; s = sys[[i, j]];
If[i > 1, dE += sys[[i - 1, j]]]; If[i < L, dE += sys[[i + 1, j]]];
If[j > 1, dE += sys[[i, j - 1]]]; If[j < L, dE += sys[[i, j + 1]]];
dE *= 2*s;
If[dE < 0 || RandomReal[] < Exp[-dE/temp], sys[[i, j]] *= -1];
, {1000000}]
{temp, 0.1, 4.},
Initialization :> (L = 100;
sys = 2*Array[RandomInteger[] &, {L, L}] - 1;
RunScheduledTask[img = Image[sys, Magnification -> 2], 0.5];)
which partly works, because some time I get an image displayed, but the slider doesn't seem to control anything.
So the question is: how would you advise me to transform the first sample of code into something that can be exported to CDF? Am I at least on the right track?