When saving a plot through right click ► Save Graphic As…
, Mathematica lets me choose several options, including separate vector representations for areas with transparency and with smooth shading. In particular, in addition to using a rasterized or high-quality vector version, it has an option to "use most compatible vector representation".
How can I do this using Export
? Saving through right click introduces weird glitches in the labels and I want to be able to save the graphics manually, but I end up with either ugly rasterized images or 80-megabyte monstrosities. The "most compatible vector representation" seems to have a great file size to quality ratio.
FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", "SystemResources"}]
. For example, the "PDF Options" dialog is in the fileExportPDF.nb
. You can open it in a text editor and inspect the implementation. $\endgroup$ConversionOptions
settings of the FrontEnd. According to the Documentation, before version 6 this option was recognized byExport
, but currently it is obsolete andExport
doesn't accept it anymore. So now it is an undocumented FrontEnd option. $\endgroup$