I currently have the following parametric plot.
ParametricPlot[{(b - a) x/b + a x/r, (b - a) y/b + a y/r} /. {a -> 2,
b -> 3}, {x, -4, 4}, {y, -4, 4}]
where r=Sqrt[x^2+y^2]
I am trying to plot this coordinate system only within the region
a < Sqrt[((b - a) x/b + a x/r)^2 + ((b - a) y/b + a y/r)^2] < b
the region where Sqrt[((b - a) x/b + a x/r)^2 + ((b - a) y/b + a y/r)^2] > b
should be cartesian.
I am unsure how to achieve this. Does anyone have a solution? I apologize if this has already been asked, but I couldn't find a previous question when I looked.
Cheers, Stephen
mentioned as an option forParametricPlot
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