$$\underset{S}{\iint} (yz\text{dx}\text{dy}+xy\text{dxdz}+xz\text{dydz})$$
Where S is the outer side of a part of a cylinder: $ x^2+y^2 = r^2 ; x\le0,\ y\ge0, \ 0\le z\le H$
The problem about that is - I have tried parsing this in few different ways through Wolfram Mathematica 10, like converting [x,y,z] to cylindrical and pasting it instead of (x , z) , but then ouput was just a volume of cylinder formula followed with the expression above in altered form. I am kinda new to the app, to be honest.
CoordinateTransform["Cylindrical" -> "Cartesian" , {x, y, z}]
{x Cos[y], x Sin[y], z}
f[x_ y_ z_] := (y*z/dz) + (x*y/dy) + (z*x/dx)
integrate[f[x Cos[y], x Sin[y], z] , {y, 0, 2*pi} , {z, 0, H}]
Output: integrate[f[x Cos[y], x Sin[y], z], {y, 0, 2 pi}, {z, 0, H}]
Weird? Well, at least for me, I might be bad at Mathematica language. Then, I tried to rather not struggle around making a definition of f(x_ y_ z_) and be more straightforward. (Pasting a screenshot due to troubles copying that) Next I have found out Integrate is written with capital and tried first way again.
f[x_ y_ z_] := (y*z/dz) + (x*y/dy) +(z*x/dx)
Integrate[f[x Cos[y],x Sin[y],z] , {y,0,2*pi} , {z,0,H}]
Out: $$\int _0^{2 \text{pi}}\int _0^Hf(x \cos (y),x \sin (y),z)dzdy$$ Then:
Integrate[f[x Cos[y], x Sin[y], z] , {x, 0, r}, {y, 0, 2*pi} , {z, 0, H}]
Out: $$\int _0^r\int _0^{2 \text{pi}}\int _0^Hf(x \cos (y),x \sin (y),z)dzdydx$$
BUT... As you see, no result at all... I have been thinking about integrating over Boole (but deleted that .nb) , integrating the initial expression, putting limits like
Integrate[expr , {x,y,z} \[Element] Cylinder[{{0,0,0},{0,0,h}},r] ]
And I have no out due to deleted .nb so simply put - I got the same expression, all put up as fraction of their sum by ddx ddy ddz . BUT multiplied by volume of Cylinder (very smart) As suggested, fixed definition of f:
f[x_, y_, z_] := (y*z/dz) + (x*y/dy) + (z*x/dx)
integrate[f[x Cos[y], x Sin[y], z] ,{x,0,r}, {y, 0, 2*pi} , {z, 0, H}]
Out: $$\frac{H r^2 \sin (\text{pi}) \left(3 \text{dx} \text{dy} H \sin (\text{pi})+4 \text{dx} \text{dz} r \sin (\text{pi}) \cos ^2(\text{pi})+3 \text{dy} \text{dz} H \cos (\text{pi})\right)}{6 \text{dx} \text{dy} \text{dz}}$$
So basically, I can't really find what I want with the expressions above
//I am kind of sorry for being bad at mathematica language :(
f[x_, y_, z_] := ...
$\endgroup$Integrate[f[theta, z], {theta, 0, 2*Pi}, {z, 0, H}]
wheref[theta, z]
needs to be defined for theta and z (rather than x, y, z). $\endgroup$