Is there a possibility in Mathematica to allow for manual rotation of 3D graphics when (auto)playing either using Manipulate
or ListAnimate
? (When one plays a sequence of 3D graphics using ListAnimate
it is not possible to rotate manually the graph as when it is static.)
1 Answer
As there seem no easy way to hack ListAnimate
or Manipulate
, we'll try to construct a custom "animator", using the method I mentioned in an earlier post with some generalization.
First we generate all frames of the animation:
frameLst =
range = Range[0, 2, .1];
Im[ArcSin[(.5 Abs[# - 1])^3 (x + I y)^4 Exp[2 # π I]]],
{x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2},
(* quality too high will crash the Dynamic system: *)
PlotPoints -> 10, MaxRecursion -> 1,
ExclusionsStyle -> {None, Red},
PlotRange -> {{-2, 2}, {-2, 2}, 4 {-1, 1}},
SphericalRegion -> True
] & /@ range
Then we make it move automatically using a Clock
With[{n = Length@frameLst, opts = glst[[1, 2]]},
{ k,
frameDataLst = Cases[frameLst, _GraphicsComplex, ∞]
k = Clock[{1, n, 1}, 3]
The key point of the trick is keeping a persistent Graphics3D
object across frames. So instead of writing Dynamic[Graphics3D[...]]
, we should use Graphics3D[{...,Dynamic[...],...}, options]
to prevent the Graphics3DBox
being destroyed at each frame, which will leave it no time to respond to the dragging operations from mouse.
s? $\endgroup$