One can select a cell and using the Front End menu perform
Format -> Text Alignment -> Align at 25%
Other options are given as well.
I have learned from Stack Exchange how to create a button and modify some text. For example I can select some text and click the button created by this code
FrontEndTokenExecute["FontFamily", "Arial"];
FrontEndTokenExecute["FontColor", Blue];
FrontEndTokenExecute["FontSlant", "Italic"];
FrontEndTokenExecute["FontWeight", "Bold"];
WindowTitle -> "Highligh Text"
in order to change its font to blue and face to italic.
I would like to do the same thing except aligning a cell. I would also like the ability to control the alignment percentage.
I have searched the Mathematica Stack Exchange and can't find a similar question.
When I look at all the possibilities as described in What is the complete list of valid Front End Tokens I come across some alignment properties (e.g., AlignCentersHorizontally) but they do not work on a cell.
Anybody have a clue as to how to do this?