Hello I have found examples of codes that generate palettes to format the text of a cell (or a portion of it). I have also found codes for palettes that change the style of a cell. The latter is described in the Help for instance and gives a nice palette
Column[Button[Style[#, 12, FontFamily -> "Times"],
FrontEndTokenExecute[InputNotebook[], "Style", #],
Appearance -> "Palette", ImageSize -> 120] & /@ {"Title",
"Subtitle", "Subsubtitle", "Section", "Subsection",
"Subsubsection", "Text", "Code", "Input"}, Spacings -> 0],
WindowTitle -> "Format"]
Other questions here on MSE such as this do similar things, but still change the text style only.
So I am stuck as I do not find how to modify this function to affect the Background
of the Cell.
I would also like to change properties such as the Cell being Editable
or Initialization
. Again I cannot find the proper command to put in the button to do this.
Eventually I would like to have a button that takes a cell and makes several changes at once, for instance makes the cell initialization, non-editable, and LightGreen background.
Is there a way to edit these properties with a palette?
Thanks for helping, Roberto