I have some old code to analyze correlation between 2 time series by looking at windows of different lengths shifting across the time series data. The code:
- gets 2 sets of time series data (in this case using
for convenience); - sets a list of windows on which to calculate the correlations;
- partitions the data into matrices by applying each window over time;
- calculates correlations;
- pads the data; and
- plots
data = Transpose[Drop[FinancialData[#, "Aug. 4, 2006"] & /@ {"SPY", "GLD"}, None, None, 1][[All, All, 1]]];
windows = Range[100, Round[Length[data], 100], 100];
partitionedData = Partition[data, #, 1] & /@ windows;
correlations = Map[Correlation, partitionedData, {2}];
plotData = PadLeft[correlations[[All, All, 1, 2]]];
ImageSize -> 400,
AxesLabel -> {"Days", "Window", "Correlation"},
PlotRange -> {Automatic, Automatic, {-1, 1}},
BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 0.75},
ViewPoint -> {2, 0, 1}]
Now typically I'd run these correlations on log returns rather than price, but I wanted to keep the example as simple as possible.
In this case the windows have lengths of 100, 200, 300, ... 1500 corresponding to the 15 windows in the plot.
This all works fine, but now I want to look at other correlation measures:
Neither of these take a matrix as input, they both take 2 vectors:
So my problem comes down to this single line of code:
correlations = Map[Correlation, partitionedData, {2}];
I need to alter this line of code so that it will map to the pairs of vectors in each of the matrices at level 2 of partitionedData
As Correlation[]
can also use vectors as inputs this will give me a more generalized approach.
Some additional background...
The structure of partitionedData
looks like this:
Dimensions[#] & /@ partitionedData
{{1410, 100, 2}, {1310, 200, 2}, {1210, 300, 2}, {1110, 400, 2}, {1010, 500, 2}, {910, 600, 2}, {810, 700, 2}, {710, 800, 2}, {610, 900, 2}, {510, 1000, 2}, {410, 1100, 2}, {310, 1200, 2}, {210, 1300, 2}, {110, 1400, 2}, {10, 1500, 2}}
I've fiddled around with this all morning, but keep confusing myself.
I don't see a clear way to use the same form of Map[]
using levelspec
, so I keep trying variations on pure functions but keep getting into a muddle.
I've tried lots of variations of this basic approach:
Correlation[#[[1]], #[[2]]] & /@ partitionedData[[All, 2]];
but I don't get myself anywhere.
Thoughts and guidance appreciated.