It's not entirely clear to me what you mean by "browse through an array" but from my best guess you might try:
array = RandomInteger[9, {50, 50}];
Pane[TableForm @ array, {500, 400}, Scrollbars -> True]
Since this is not the meaning you intended here is another:
list = {a, b, c, d};
Outer[f, list, list]
{{f[a, a], f[a, b], f[a, c], f[a, d]},
{f[b, a], f[b, b], f[b, c], f[b, d]},
{f[c, a], f[c, b], f[c, c], f[c, d]},
{f[d, a], f[d, b], f[d, c], f[d, d]}}
f @@@ Tuples[list, 2]
{f[a, a], f[a, b], f[a, c], f[a, d], f[b, a], f[b, b], f[b, c], f[b, d],
f[c, a], f[c, b], f[c, c], f[c, d], f[d, a], f[d, b], f[d, c], f[d, d]}
Note that Outer
produces a table of values (nested lists) while Tuples
produces a flat list.
See also: how to efficiently apply function to all pairs of a set (and collect the results)
list = Permutations@Range@3; Correlation @@@ Subsets[list, {2}]
? $\endgroup$