I have a complicated Manipulate that uses multiple locators, and need to document the output by saving the graphics to a file. The problem is that when I try to save the graphics, the locators disappear. Here is a simple case where the same problem occurs:
Manipulate[pts = PadRight[pts, n, RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {15, 2}]];
disp = Graphics[Polygon[pts], PlotRange -> 1], {n, 5, 15, 1}, {{pts, {{0, 0}}}, Locator}]
If this looks familiar, it's because this is an example from the documentation for Manipulate, and I have only changed it by adding the disp =
. In order to save the graphics to a file we can Export, but the problem is already present, since disp
Notice that the locators have disappeared. So my question is this: is there a way to capture/rasterize/save the complete manipulate image (including the locators)?