This question comes from two questions. Namely Q1 and Q2
The defintion of B-Spline basis function as shown below:
Let $\vec{U}=\{u_0,u_1,\ldots,u_m\}$ a nondecreasing sequence of real numbers,i.e, $u_i\leq u_{i+1}\quad i=0,1,2\ldots m-1$
$$N_{i,0}(u)= \begin{cases} 1 & u_i\leq u<u_{i+1}\\ 0 & otherwise \end{cases} $$ $$N_{i,p}(u)=\frac{u-u_i}{u_{i+p}-u_i}N_{i,p-1}(u)+\frac{u_{i+p+1}-u}{u_{i+p+1}-u_{i+1}}N_{i+1,p-1}(u) $$
NBSpline[i_Integer, 0, knots_?(VectorQ[#, NumericQ] && OrderedQ[#] &),u_] /;
i <= Length[knots] - 2 :=
{{1, knots[[i + 1]] <= u < knots[[i + 2]]}},0]
coeff[u_, i_, j_, knots_] /; knots[[i]] == knots[[j]] := 0;
coeff[u_, i_, j_, knots_] := (u - knots[[i]])/(knots[[j]] - knots[[i]])
NBSpline[i_Integer, p_Integer, knots_?(VectorQ[#, NumericQ] && OrderedQ[#] &),
u_] /;p > 0 && i + p <= Length[knots] - 2 :=
Module[{init, res},
init = Table[NBSpline[j, 0, knots, u], {j, i, i + p}];
res = First@
Dot @@@
{Partition[#, 2, 1],
With[{m = p + 2 - Length@#},
{coeff[u, k + 1, k + m + 1, knots],
coeff[u, k + m + 2, k + 2, knots]}, {k, i, i + Length@# - 2}]]}) &,
init, p]
Compare to built-in function BSplineBasis
sortResult[x_ /; x == 0] := 0;
sortResult[res_] := MapAt[SortBy[#, Last] &, res, 1]
pts = {{0, 0}, {0, 2}, {2, 3}, {4, 0}, {6, 3}, {8, 2}, {8, 0}};
knots = {0, 0, 0, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 1, 1, 1};
Comparsion 1
NBSpline[#, 0, knots, u] & /@ Range[0, 8] // Simplify
PiecewiseExpand@BSplineBasis[{0, knots}, #, u] & /@ Range[0, 8]
Comparsion 2
sortResult /@ (NBSpline[#, 1, knots, u] & /@ Range[0, 7] // Simplify)
sortResult /@ (PiecewiseExpand@BSplineBasis[{1, knots}, #, u] & /@
Range[0, 7] // Simplify)
By the comparsion, I found that the result of BSplineBasis
is always a closed interval
, whereas the result my function NBSpline
is a half closed- half open
My trail:
postProcess[res_ /; res == 0] := 0;
postProcess[res_] :=
Module[{interval, pos, expr},
interval =
pos =
SortBy[interval, Last], Less];
expr =
SortBy[interval, Last], pos[[-1]] -> LessEqual];
Piecewise[expr, 0]
postProcess /@ (NBSpline[#, 1, knots, u] & /@ Range[0, 7])
Is there any good/simple method(strategy) to deal with this problem? I think my method is complex.
If[ i<Length[knots]-2,Piecewise[..<],Piecewise[..<=]]
. $\endgroup$BSplineBasis
,I felt this built-in function makes the result become theclosed interval
. $\endgroup$NBSpline[#, 0, knots, u] & /@ Range[0, 8] /. Less :> LessEqual // Simplify
$\endgroup$/. Less :> LessEqual
, which will make all thesub-intervals
of inequalitys become the style of $[a,b]$, $\endgroup$