Three months ago, I asked a quesion about B-Spline basis function here, Today, I used this function to plot B-spline curve.
The definition of $N_{i,p}$
NBSpline[i_Integer, 0, knots_?(VectorQ[#, NumericQ] && OrderedQ[#] &),u_] /;
i <= Length[knots] - 2 :=
{{1, knots[[i + 1]] <= u < knots[[i + 2]]},
{0, u < knots[[i + 1]] || u >= knots[[i + 2]]}}]
coeff[u_, i_, j_, knots_] /; knots[[i]] == knots[[j]] := 0;
coeff[u_, i_, j_, knots_] := (u - knots[[i]])/(knots[[j]] - knots[[i]])
NBSpline[i_Integer, p_Integer, knots_?(VectorQ[#, NumericQ] && OrderedQ[#] &),
u_] /;p > 0 && i + p <= Length[knots] - 2 :=
Module[{init, res},
init = Table[NBSpline[j, 0, knots, u], {j, i, i + p}];
res = First@
Dot @@@
{Partition[#, 2, 1],
With[{m = p + 2 - Length@#},
{coeff[u, k + 1, k + m + 1, knots],
coeff[u, k + m + 2, k + 2, knots]}, {k, i, i + Length@# - 2}]]}) &,
init, p]
The definition of B-Spline curve
$$\overset{\rightharpoonup }{C}(u)=\sum _{i=0}^n N_{i,p}(u) \overset{\rightharpoonup }{P}_i \text{ }\qquad (a\leq u\leq b)$$
where, $P_i$ is the control point, the $N_ {i, p} (u)$ are the pth - degree Bspline basis functions defined on the nonperiodic (and nonuniform) knot vector
knots= $\{\underbrace {a,\cdots ,a}_{p+1},u_{p+1},\cdots u_{m-p-1},\underbrace {b,\cdots,b}_{p+1}\}$
Trail 1
(Update) with george2079's solution
BSplinePlot1[pts : {{_, _} ..}, knots_, opts : OptionsPattern[Plot]] :=
Module[{p = Length@First@Split[knots] - 1, a, b},
{a, b} = {First[knots], Last[knots]};
NBSpline[First@#2 - 1, p, knots, u] #1 &, pts], {u, a, b}, opts
pts3 = {{1, 6}, {2, 8}, {3, 6}, {4, 12}, {7, 11}, {9, 3}, {12, 7}, {14, 5}, {15, 8}, {17, 8}};
knots3= {0, 0, 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, 1, 1, 1};
BSplinePlot1[pts3, knots3, ImageSize -> 600]
Graphics[{BSplineCurve[pts, SplineKnots -> knots], Green, Line[pts],
Red, Point[pts]}] // AbsoluteTiming
Is there any method to speed up the calculation of
?See george2079's solution and my answer
How to deal with the problem of discontinuity shown in the first graph?
Add the option
. $\endgroup$Piecewise
function is defined forknot[[1]]<=u<knot[[-1]]
. You need to make the last interval inclusive (<=knot[[-1]]
). The out of bounds default is{0,0}
, it should probably be undefined. $\endgroup${0,0}
". $\endgroup$Piecewisw
expression, then that will make sense. $\endgroup$