I am dealing with a fourth order polynomial. I get all of the desired out put however above a certain range I also get these - {}. From my understanding this means that there is no solution. I am trying to plot the final output however {} runes any chance of that. How could I remove the 'no solution'?
I have tried Select and Reduce.
Ddd = (a1) Dd^4 - (a2) Dd + (a2);
Table[NSolve[Ddd == 0, Dd, Reals], {t, t3}];
My output looks like this:
{{1.*10^-7, 0.000312683}, {1.0056*10^-7, 5.29149*10^-7}, {1.01653*10^-7, 3.59975*10^-7}, {1.0323*10^-7, 2.83353*10^-7}, {1.05406*10^-7, 2.36121*10^-7}, {1.08473*10^-7, 2.02102*10^-7}, {1.13219*10^-7, 1.74367*10^-7}, {1.23859*10^-7, 1.45755*10^-7}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}}
I would just like to retain all the numbers an non of the rest.
Cheers for any ideas.