Please bear with me. It might be easy but its been hard for me. I have say three lists:
I want the final results as:
I have seen earlier similar question at
Thanks to Murta for his function
It works pretty well to merge two lists and pretty fast. However, the final format is little different from what I want.
Similarly, there is another post dealing similar issue. Combining two lists
Again, thanks to VLC for his function
Join[list1, List /@ Last /@ Select[list2, MemberQ[First /@ list1, #[[1]]] &], 2]
Again, it works for two lists but pretty slow. I can not make either one to work for my purpose. Any help is greatly appreciated. Please consider seriously before putting some kind of tag like "Duplicate" etc.
Please don't stop answering. This is so common question. We need varieties in answers in terms of simplicity and speed. May be we can extend answers to combine any numbers of lists not just three.
Thank you.
{#[[1, 1]] , Flatten[ Rest /@ # ]} & /@ Select[GatherBy[ Join[list1, list2, list3] , #[[1]] &], Length[#] > 2 &]