The following code takes over 4 seconds to run. Any one has suggestions to make the expressions for qf
, phi
, qr
, and k
more efficient?
Can someone suggest ways I can useNestWhile
in the place of While
and Compile[]
on the four expressions (qf
, phi
, qr
, and k
) to enable Parallelization
demand[n_, k_] := Min[k Vf, n capacity];
supply[n_, k_] := Min[(n Kj - k) w, n capacity];
flo[n_, ku_, kd_] := Min[demand[n, ku], supply[n, kd]];
gamma[ku_, kd_] := Min[1, supply[L, kd]/demand[L, ku]];
inflow [phi_, FQin_] := (phi - \[Beta] FQin) dx;
density[qin_, qout_, qr_] := (qin - qout + qr)/Vf;
L = 1; \[Beta] = 0.1; dx = 1/6; capacity = 7500; Kj = 150.; w = 100.; Vf = 100.;TT=0; RML = 2
k0 = Table[1, {i1, 1, 10}];
kr = Table[Table[1, {i1, 1, 4}], {i2, 1, 10}];
While[TT < 200000,
qf = Map[flo[L, #[[1]], #[[2]]] &, Partition[k0, 2, 1]];
phi = Flatten[Map[demand[1, #] &, Take[kr, All, -1]]][[2 ;; -2]]*Map[gamma[#[[1]], #[[2]]] &, Partition[k0[[2 ;; -1]], 2, 1]];
qr = (inflow @@ #) & /@ Transpose[{phi, qf[[1 ;; -2]]}];
k = (Plus @@ #) & /@ Transpose[{Insert[Map[density[#[[1]], #[[2]], #[[3]]] &, Flatten /@ Transpose[{Partition[qf, 2, 1], qr}]], 0, {{1}, {-1}}], k0}];
k0 = k;
TT += Plus @@ k0;
]; // Timing
I also have the following piece of code that will go right below the k0=k in the above code
RMori = Table[100 (i1 dx)^2 + 50 (i1 dx) + 1000, {i1, 1, n - 2}];
RM = MapThread[Min[#1, #2] &, {RMori, flo[1, #[[RML]], #[[RML + 1]]] & /@ kr}];
qr = MapThread[Join[#1, {#2}, #3, {#4}] &, {flo[L, ##] & @@@ Partition[#[[;; RML]], 2, 1] & /@ kr, RM, flo[L, ##] & @@@ Partition[#[[RML + 1 ;;]], 2, 1] & /@ kr, \[Phi]}];
kr = MapThread[(#1 + #2) &, {Join[{0}, #] & /@ (density[Most@#,Rest@#, 0] & /@ qr), kr}];
in line of the suggestions made by SimonWoods, Can some one suggest ways to improve this piece of code?
Also, I need some guidance on using NestWhile
in place of While
is missing $\endgroup$