I am generating a set of plots and exploring how changing a parameter affects the plot shape. I want each plot to be a different color, but the color rule i'm applying seems to only work for the last color in the list. what is wrong with my syntax?
Vmorse[x_] =
d*(Exp[-2 \[Alpha] (x - x0)] - 2 Exp[-\[Alpha] (x - x0)]);
morseSubsTest = {d -> 4.43, \[Alpha] -> {1.9, 1, 3}, x0 -> 1.13};
Plot[Vmorse[x] /. morseSubsTest, {x, 0, 5}, PlotRange -> {-5, 0.5},
PlotLabel -> "Morse Potential change alpha",
PlotStyle -> {Red, Green, Blue}]