As we all know in spherical coordinates a function phi = π/3
gives us a cone. The cone makes an angle of π/3
with the imagined z
-axis. How do I type this formula into Mathematica?
1 Answer
You can use CoordinateTransform
to change coordinates to Cartesian and then use ParametricPlot3D
to make the plot.
cone[r_, θ_] :=
Evaluate[CoordinateTransform["Spherical" -> "Cartesian", {r, ϕ, θ}] /. ϕ -> π/4]
ParametricPlot3D[cone[r, θ], {r, 0, 1}, {θ, 0, 2. π}]
This gives
RevolutionPlot3D[3 z, {z, 0, -2}, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", Mesh -> None]