This is going to be transcript of Roman E. Maeder's priority queue code with any updates I can find to make to take advantage of functions added since he wrote it.
I believe I am within right to copy it here for noncommercial purposes.
Refactor v0.2 -- any bugs are almost certainly my own.
MakeQueue::usage = "MakeQueue[pred] creates an empty priority queue with
the given ording predicate. The default predicate is Greater."
CopyQueue::usage = "CopyQueue[q] makes a copy of the priority queue q."
DeleteQueue::usage = "DeleteQueue[q] frees the storage used for q."
EmptyQueue::usage = "EmptyQueue[q] is True if the priority queue q is empty."
EnQueue::usage = "EnQueue[a, item] inserts item into the priority queue q."
TopQueue::usage = "TopQueue[q] returns the largest item in the priority queue q."
DeQueue::usage = "DeQueue[q] removes the largest item from the priority queue q.
It returns the item removed."
PriorityQueue::usage = "PriorityQueue[...] is the print form of priority queues."
SetAttributes[queue, HoldAll]
SetAttributes[array, HoldAllComplete]
makeArray[n_] := array @@ ConstantArray[Null, n]
MakeQueue[pred_:Greater] :=
ar = makeArray[2];
queue[ar, n, pred]
CopyQueue[queue[a0_,n0_,pred_]] :=
queue[ar, n, pred]
EnQueue[q:queue[ar_,n_,pred_], val_] :=
If[ n == Length[ar], (* extend (double size) *)
ar = Join[ar, makeArray @ Length @ ar] ];
ar[[n]] = val; i = n;
While[ True, (* restore heap *)
j = Quotient[i, 2];
If[ j < 1 || pred[ar[[j]], ar[[i]]], Break[] ];
ar[[{i,j}]] = {ar[[j]], ar[[i]]};
i = j;
EmptyQueue[queue[ar_,n_,pred_]] := n == 0
TopQueue[queue[ar_,n_,pred_]] := ar[[1]]
DeQueue[queue[ar_,n_,pred_]] :=
ar[[1]] = ar[[n]]; ar[[n]] = Null; n--;
j = 1;
While[ j <= Quotient[n, 2], (* restore heap *)
i = 2j;
If[ i < n && pred[ar[[i+1]], ar[[i]]], i++ ];
If[ pred[ar[[i]], ar[[j]]],
ar[[{i,j}]] = {ar[[j]], ar[[i]]}; ];
j = i
DeleteQueue[queue[ar_,n_,pred_]] := (ClearAll[ar,n];)
queue/:Normal[q0_queue] :=
Reap[While[!EmptyQueue[q], Sow @ DeQueue[q]]; DeleteQueue[q];][[2,1]]
Format[q_queue/;EmptyQueue[q]] := PriorityQueue[]
Format[q_queue] := PriorityQueue[TopQueue[q], "\[TripleDot]"]
to generate factors and refer… to see how you can get your desired results. How you will use it for priority queue, I don't know but in case its important for you. $\endgroup$Sort
on the list of values. Point being, if you are going to work on the set all at once, a queue will likely slow you as compared to a sorting (even though that sorting might be implemented via priority queue-- it will be at a lower level using more optimized code). $\endgroup$