Simple memoization
There are few places where we can optimize code from OP.
Let's start with already mentioned in OP simplest memoization.
stepreduce // ClearAll
stepreduce@{n_, a_, b_} := Which[
b == {} \[Or] n == -1,
{n, a, b},
a == {} \[Or] First@a < First@b,
{n, b, a},
First@a == First@b,
{If[n == 1, 0, -1], {}, {}},
With[{d = First@a - First@b, r = Mod[First@b, First@a - First@b]},
{n - First@b, Join[If[r == 0, {d}, {d - r, r}], Rest@a], Rest@b}
reduce // ClearAll
reduce[n_, a_, k_] := Most@FixedPoint[stepreduce, {n, a, {k}}]
compute // ClearAll
compute[-1, {}] = 0;
compute[0, {}] = 1;
compute[n_, {}] := compute[n, {}] = Sum[compute[n, {k}], {k, n}]
compute[n_, a_] := compute[n, a] = Sum[compute @@ reduce[n, a, k], {k, n}]
f // ClearAll
f@n_ := compute[n, {}]
Let's gather time and memory usage of above function for calculating first 40 values.
results = <||>;
AppendTo[results, "DownValues memoization" -> Table[
Internal`InheritedBlock[{compute}, Module[{res},
Prepend[AbsoluteTiming@MaxMemoryUsed[res = f@i], res]
{i, 40}
]] // Last
(* {{1, 0.000074, 3984}, {2, 0.000121, 4208}, {6, 0.000284, 5136}, {14, 0.000663, 6680},
{34, 0.001389, 8592}, {68, 0.003436, 11312}, {150, 0.010413, 15192}, {296, 0.014905, 21256},
{586, 0.017695, 30344}, {1140, 0.025606, 44104}, {2182, 0.051756, 68168}, {4130, 0.072319, 93312},
{7678, 0.121303, 136872}, {14368, 0.179369, 208728}, {26068, 0.286492, 297072}, {48248, 0.449439, 418840},
{86572, 0.731423, 627224}, {158146, 1.17463, 878960}, {281410, 1.77709, 1298176}, {509442, 2.57542, 1811608},
{901014, 4.01303, 2669760}, {1618544, 6.20318, 3717656}, {2852464, 9.20258, 5471776}, {5089580, 13.7751, 7606608},
{8948694, 21.0816, 11174504}, {15884762, 31.8216, 15514256}, {27882762, 48.4341, 22760552}, {49291952, 71.3518, 31979744},
{86435358, 108.607, 46273240}, {152316976, 159.118, 64178184}, {266907560, 229.416, 93926304}, {469232204, 337.286, 130198288},
{821844316, 505.145, 190618272}, {1442300988, 745.747, 264372384}, {2525295380, 1108., 386819480}, {4426185044, 1607.57, 536494800},
{7747801190, 2397.82, 784631984}, {13567867834, 3492.71, 1088333528}, {23745303556, 5196.81, 1591114776}, {41557384062, 7588.04, 2210837400}} *)
Further speed-up can be gained by compiling reduce
We can see that, inside stepreduce
, whenever a
list can increase it's length, b
list decreases it's length. Total length of a
and b
lists can't grow during reduce
call. So we can start with single list $\{n, \, a_m, \, a_{m-1}, \, \ldots, \, a_1, \, b_1 = k\}$, keep track of length and positions of first elements of a
and b
lists, and of "direction" in which possible change in positions of first elements will move. This way we can perform all steps of reduce
without memory reallocation.
Since compiled function can't return ragged arrays, we'll move around single list na
containing n
as first element and reversed a
list as rest of elements.
reduce // ClearAll
reduce = Hold@Compile[{{na, _Integer, 1}, {k, _Integer}},
Module[{n, aPos, aLen, bPos, bLen, posDelta, nab},
n = na[[1]];
aPos = Length@na;
aLen = aPos - 1;
bLen = 1;
bPos = aPos + 1;
posDelta = 1;
nab = Append[na, k];
bLen < 1 || n === -1,
aLen < 1 || nab[[aPos]] < nab[[bPos]],
With[{aLenOld = aLen, aPosOld = aPos},
aLen = bLen;
bLen = aLenOld;
aPos = bPos;
bPos = aPosOld;
posDelta = -posDelta;
nab[[aPos]] === nab[[bPos]],
n = If[n === 1, 0, -1];
aLen = 0;
Module[{bFirst, d, r},
bFirst = nab[[bPos]];
d = nab[[aPos]] - bFirst;
r = Mod[bFirst, d];
n = n - bFirst;
If[r === 0,
nab[[aPos]] = d;
(* else *),
nab[[aPos]] = r;
aPos += posDelta;
nab[[aPos]] = d - r;
bPos += posDelta;
If[posDelta === -1,
Module[{max, reverseMax},
max = Length@nab + 2;
reverseMax = Quotient[max - 1, 2];
If[aLen + 1 < reverseMax, reverseMax = aLen + 1];
With[{tmp = nab[[i]], j = max - i},
nab[[i]] = nab[[j]];
nab[[j]] = tmp;
{i, 2, reverseMax}
nab[[1]] = n;
Take[nab, aLen + 1]
CompilationTarget -> "C", RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"
] /.
Part -> Compile`GetElement //. HoldPattern[Compile`GetElement@x__ = y_] :> (Part@x = y) //.
HoldPattern[Plus][pre___, x_, HoldPattern[Times][-1, y_], post___] :> Plus[pre, Subtract[x, y], post] //
ReleaseHold // Last;
compute // ClearAll
compute@{-1} = 0;
compute@{0} = 1;
compute@na_ := compute@na = With[{n = First@na},
If[Length@na === 1,
Sum[compute@{n, k}, {k, n}]
(* else *),
Sum[compute@Developer`FromPackedArray@reduce[na, k], {k, n}]
f // ClearAll
f@n_ := compute@{n}
Again time and memory usage:
AppendTo[results, "DownValues memoization + compilation" -> Table[
Internal`InheritedBlock[{compute}, Module[{res},
Prepend[AbsoluteTiming@MaxMemoryUsed[res = f@i], res]
{i, 40}
]] // Last
(* {{1, 0.000063, 2832}, {2, 0.000078, 4136}, {6, 0.000091, 5424}, {14, 0.00017, 6720},
{34, 0.000332, 9376}, {68, 0.000605, 11616}, {150, 0.001157, 15024}, {296, 0.001871, 21344},
{586, 0.003039, 29936}, {1140, 0.005082, 43944}, {2182, 0.007769, 62952}, {4130, 0.011655, 92952},
{7678, 0.014263, 136368}, {14368, 0.023007, 195168}, {26068, 0.033489, 287104}, {48248, 0.050387, 408872},
{86572, 0.075441, 598824}, {158146, 0.101385, 850560}, {281410, 0.140992, 1241104}, {509442, 0.211831, 1820328},
{901014, 0.32101, 2612696}, {1618544, 0.460999, 3660608}, {2852464, 0.680271, 5414824}, {5089580, 1.19728, 7549832},
{8948694, 1.50457, 11118344}, {15884762, 2.29116, 15459152}, {27882762, 3.47475, 22708256}, {49291952, 4.49639, 31527560},
{86435358, 6.61805, 46235728}, {152316976, 9.90871, 64156608}, {266907560, 14.3602, 93992544}, {469232204, 19.7709, 130377928},
{821844316, 29.5902, 190884312}, {1442300988, 42.7437, 264764776}, {2525295380, 62.8208, 387425584}, {4426185044, 92.3726, 537406200},
{7747801190, 130.204, 786031768}, {13567867834, 183.552, 1090416752}, {23745303556, 267.809, 1594242360}, {41557384062, 391.204, 2211848640}} *)
Caching in a tree
As noted by OP different a
lists share many elements, so it might be more memory efficient to store result in a specially constructed tree.
While Association
s offer fast appending and random access they're also pretty memory hungry, so might not be the best choice for this memory constrained problem.
Instead I propose to use the fact that "ordinary" compound Mathematica expression is a tree, so we can keep results in an expression such that our na
list will be position of either result, or of sub-expression having result as it's head.
Such expression offers fast random access, but appending to a node of $k$ elements is $\mathcal O(k)$ operation. Since nodes won't have more than n
elements, this shouldn't have huge performance impact.
integerTreeResizeStep = Function[,
With[{node = #1},
#1 = Array[-1&, #2, 1, node],
Length@node < #2,
#1 = Join[node, Array[-1&, #2 - Length@node, 1, Head@node]]
integerTreeGetOrSetLeaf = Function[{tree, path, value},
val = Quiet@Check[
Extract[tree, path]
Fold[integerTreeResizeStep, Unevaluated@tree, path];
If[Not@IntegerQ@val, val = Head@val];
If[val < 0,
val = value;
If[IntegerQ@Extract[tree, path],
tree[[Sequence @@ path]] = val
(* else *),
tree[[Sequence @@ path, 0]] = val
$cache = {};
compute // ClearAll
compute@{-1} = 0;
compute@{0} = 1;
compute@na_ := integerTreeGetOrSetLeaf[$cache, na,
With[{n = First@na},
If[Length@na === 1,
Sum[compute@{n, k}, {k, n}]
(* else *),
Sum[compute@reduce[na, k], {k, n}]
Time and memory usage:
AppendTo[results, "Tree cache + compilation" -> Table[
$cache = {};
Prepend[AbsoluteTiming@MaxMemoryUsed[res = f@i], res]
{i, 40}
]] // Last
(* {{1, 0.000261, 10176}, {2, 0.000286, 14008}, {6, 0.000478, 17800}, {14, 0.000841, 21712},
{34, 0.001428, 25624}, {68, 0.002476, 29536}, {150, 0.003977, 33448}, {296, 0.006287, 37360},
{586, 0.00936, 41272}, {1140, 0.014786, 45184}, {2182, 0.022635, 49096}, {4130, 0.034472, 53016},
{7678, 0.051892, 56920}, {14368, 0.078604, 60840}, {26068, 0.118647, 64744}, {48248, 0.177518, 68664},
{86572, 0.25746, 81520}, {158146, 0.381425, 98904}, {281410, 0.558052, 131784}, {509442, 0.816168, 167584},
{901014, 1.19629, 232680}, {1618544, 1.73458, 305024}, {2852464, 2.53002, 434480}, {5089580, 3.64807, 580352},
{8948694, 5.27007, 838488}, {15884762, 7.58268, 1130824}, {27882762, 10.9998, 1646504}, {49291952, 15.8523, 2231320},
{86435358, 23.3352, 3261424}, {152316976, 33.9201, 4431688}, {266907560, 47.8143, 6489776}, {469232204, 69.2132, 8828752},
{821844316, 99.1624, 12943664}, {1442300988, 143.114, 17620240}, {2525295380, 207.741, 25844920}, {4426185044, 293.7, 35193936},
{7747801190, 432.95, 51638240}, {13567867834, 618.074, 70324968}, {23745303556, 887.757, 103203720}, {41557384062, 1258.96, 140563328}} *)
Sharing nodes
If we examine our $cache
we'll see that there's large percentage of nodes containing only zeros. Especially common are nodes that can be created by prepending flat zero node to itself.
Table[Count[$cache, Nest[Prepend[#, #] &, 0 @@ ConstantArray[0, j], i - 1], Infinity], {i, 20}, {j, 40 - 2 i}] // TableForm
Total[%, 2]
(* 2041389 *)
We can reduce memory usage by making sure that, in our cache tree, same zero nodes are internally stored as pointers to single expressions, not as copies of this expression.
We can do this by keeping zero node expressions cached, e.g. as down values of zeroNode
symbol. When zero is added to cache tree, we can test whether containing it node is of our special form, if so we can replace it with cached version.
zeroNode // ClearAll
zeroNode[1, _] = 0;
zeroNode[2, i_] := zeroNode[2, i] = 0 @@ ConstantArray[0, i];
zeroNode[depth_, i_] := zeroNode[depth, i] = Prepend[zeroNode[depth - 1, i], zeroNode[depth - 1, i]]
integerTreeOptimizeZeroNode = Function[{tree, path},
Module[{newPath = Most@path, node, cached},
node = Extract[tree, newPath];
cached = zeroNode[Depth@node, Count[node, 0]];
While[node === cached,
tree[[Sequence @@ newPath]] = cached;
newPath = Most@newPath;
node = Extract[tree, newPath];
cached = zeroNode[Depth@node, Count[node, 0]]
integerTreeGetOrSetLeaf = Function[{tree, path, value},
val = Quiet@Check[
Extract[tree, path]
Fold[integerTreeResizeStep, Unevaluated@tree, path];
If[Not@IntegerQ@val, val = Head@val];
If[val < 0,
val = value;
If[IntegerQ@Extract[tree, path],
tree[[Sequence @@ path]] = val
(* else *),
tree[[Sequence @@ path, 0]] = val
If[val === 0, integerTreeOptimizeZeroNode[tree, path]]
Time and memory usage:
AppendTo[results, "Tree cache + compilation + shared nodes" -> Table[
Internal`InheritedBlock[{zeroNode}, Module[{res},
$cache = {};
Prepend[AbsoluteTiming@MaxMemoryUsed[res = f@i], res]
{i, 40}
]] // Last
(* {{1, 0.000206, 10736}, {2, 0.000256, 14848}, {6, 0.000448, 18920}, {14, 0.000858, 23112},
{34, 0.001798, 27304}, {68, 0.003416, 31496}, {150, 0.007841, 35688}, {296, 0.014545, 39880},
{586, 0.019235, 44072}, {1140, 0.017669, 48264}, {2182, 0.029496, 52456}, {4130, 0.042167, 56656},
{7678, 0.064716, 60840}, {14368, 0.098059, 65040}, {26068, 0.137533, 69224}, {48248, 0.198948, 73424},
{86572, 0.297026, 77608}, {158146, 0.440113, 86200}, {281410, 0.645397, 97752}, {509442, 0.945092, 115080},
{901014, 1.39239, 128512}, {1618544, 2.01232, 159560}, {2852464, 3.04968, 180984}, {5089580, 4.37024, 237376},
{8948694, 6.2295, 263520}, {15884762, 8.86484, 367256}, {27882762, 12.9779, 413672}, {49291952, 18.4895, 610232},
{86435358, 27.0952, 674016}, {152316976, 39.3753, 1047472}, {266907560, 57.412, 1176016}, {469232204, 81.8548, 1901088},
{821844316, 119.4, 2092472}, {1442300988, 170.801, 3499760}, {2525295380, 246.583, 3889176}, {4426185044, 355.022, 6659784},
{7747801190, 516.578, 7312040}, {13567867834, 731.325, 12764352}, {23745303556, 1059.77, 14108216}, {41557384062, 1592.29, 24914200}} *)
Iterative version
Let's gather data on a
lists used after calculating f@n
's for subsequent n
s from 1
to nMax
$cache = {};
$cacheHistory = Table[f@n; $cache, {n, 40}];
Set of a
lists can be generated from cache element by taking Position
s and deleting trailing zeros, for example 4th cache element after calculating f@n
's up to 7
contains values calculated for following a
Sort[Internal`DeleteTrailingZeros /@ Position[$cacheHistory[[7, 4]], _Integer]]
(* {{}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {1, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 1},
{1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 2}, {1, 2, 1}, {2, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}} *)
In a
lists we get from $cacheHistory
we can notice that, for given nMax
and n
, last elements of a
lists are all integers from 1
to n
, and remaining elements form all compositions of all numbers from 0
to Min[n - last, nMax - n]
Let's check this for all calculated $cacheHistory
elements, i.e. up to 40
And @@ Flatten@Table[
Sort[Internal`DeleteTrailingZeros /@ Position[$cacheHistory[[nMax, n]], _Integer]],
Append@last /@ Join @@ Permutations /@ IntegerPartitions@totMost,
{last, n},
{totMost, 0, Min[n - last, nMax - n]}
] // Flatten[#, 2]& // Prepend@{} // Sort
{nMax, 40},
{n, nMax}
(* True *)
Proving whether above observation is true for arbitrary large n
s is left as an exercise for the reader.
Assuming that it is true, we can replace our recursive function with explicit iteration in which we can sequentially pre-compute all necessary cache elements for given n
In recursive version absence of element in cache meant that it was not yet calculated and needs to be calculated when requested.
In iterative version we know (given our above assumption) that when cache element is requested it was already calculated, so we can use absence of element in cache as sign that its calculation resulted in some chosen default cache value.
This way, by not storing this default value in our cache (except when it's needed to fill space up to last non-default value in a node), we can reduce cache size.
Most common value in cache is zero, so we choose it as our default.
nextNA = Hold@Compile[{{prev, _Integer, 1}},
Module[{prevLen, nextLen, next},
prevLen = Length@prev;
nextLen = prevLen + prev[[prevLen - 1]] - 2;
next = Table[1, nextLen];
Do[next[[i]] = prev[[i]];, {i, prevLen - 3}];
next[[prevLen - 2]] = prev[[prevLen - 2]] + 1;
If[nextLen >= prevLen, next[[prevLen - 1]] = 1];
CompilationTarget -> "C", RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"
] /.
Part -> Compile`GetElement //. HoldPattern[Compile`GetElement@x__ = y_] :> (Part@x = y) //.
HoldPattern[Plus][pre___, x_, HoldPattern[Times][-1, y_], post___] :> Plus[pre, Subtract[x, y], post] //
ReleaseHold // Last;
$cache = {};
cacheResizeStep = Function[,
With[{node = #1},
#1 = Array[0&, #2, 1, node],
Length@node < #2,
#1 = Join[node, Array[0&, #2 - Length@node, 1, Head@node]]
cacheGet // ClearAll
cacheGet@{-1} = 0;
cacheGet@{0} = 1;
cacheGet@na_ := Quiet@Check[Replace[Extract[$cache, na], node: Except@_Integer :> Head@node], 0]
cacheSet = With[{val = Sum[cacheGet@reduce[#, k], {k, First@#}]},
If[val =!= 0,
Fold[cacheResizeStep, Unevaluated@$cache, #];
$cache[[Sequence @@ #]] = val
preCompute = With[{oldN = Length@$cache},
If[nn > oldN, Do[cacheSet@{nn, last}, {last, nn}]];
Module[{na = ConstantArray[1, tot + 2]},
na[[1]] = nn;
na[[-1]] = last;
{last, nn - tot}
na = nextNA@na;
2^(tot - 1)
{tot, Max[oldN - nn + 1, 1], Min[nn, # - nn]}
If[nn > oldN, $cache[[nn, 0]] = Sum[cacheGet@{nn, k}, {k, nn}]]
{nn, Ceiling[oldN, 2] / 2 + 1, #}
f // ClearAll
f@n_ := (preCompute@n; $cache[[n, 0]])
Time and memory usage:
AppendTo[results, "Tree cache + compilation + iterative" -> Table[
$cache = {};
Prepend[AbsoluteTiming@MaxMemoryUsed[res = f@i], res]
{i, 40}
]] // Last
(* {{1, 0.000238, 5152}, {2, 0.000694, 5264}, {6, 0.00071, 6768}, {14, 0.001154, 6888},
{34, 0.002287, 7136}, {68, 0.003436, 7424}, {150, 0.006044, 7808}, {296, 0.009524, 8304},
{586, 0.014249, 8896}, {1140, 0.021613, 9792}, {2182, 0.029021, 10848}, {4130, 0.045345, 12544},
{7678, 0.051793, 14144}, {14368, 0.055507, 17112}, {26068, 0.08087, 20016}, {48248, 0.106901, 25048},
{86572, 0.146255, 29152}, {158146, 0.216362, 37416}, {281410, 0.320636, 44344}, {509442, 0.479902, 58144},
{901014, 0.601251, 68120}, {1618544, 0.849296, 91216}, {2852464, 1.21726, 108184}, {5089580, 1.72727, 145896},
{8948694, 2.46205, 169600}, {15884762, 3.51142, 228200}, {27882762, 5.0261, 267120}, {49291952, 7.33004, 361400},
{86435358, 10.3712, 416728}, {152316976, 14.6958, 567296}, {266907560, 21.4333, 658512}, {469232204, 32.6764, 890880},
{821844316, 44.3283, 1017496}, {1442300988, 62.5927, 1376632}, {2525295380, 89.3019, 1578752}, {4426185044, 127.182, 2138352},
{7747801190, 183.395, 2425000}, {13567867834, 261.899, 3297264}, {23745303556, 378.116, 3757568}, {41557384062, 533.63, 5084384}} *)
Let's check that all methods gave same results
SameQ @@ results[[All, All, 1]]
(* True *)
and compare their time and memory usage
ReplacePart[First@#, 1 -> GraphicsGrid[List /@ #[[All, 1]]]] &@(
ListLogPlot[results[[All, All, First@#]], AxesLabel -> Last@#] & /@
{2 -> "Time [s]", 3 -> "Memory [B]"}
We can see that simplest DownValues
memoization has highest memory usage, regardless of compilation. DownValues
memoization with compilation is fastest as long as we have enough memory. Iterative tree cache has lowest memory usage and, with compiled reduce, is only slightly slower than fastest variant.
Further optimizations might require rewriting in lower level language. But since this algorithm is not using any sophisticated high level Mathematica functionality, it should be doable.
would be a good way to proceed. Alternatively you might just set down values as you proceed e.g.compute[3,{1}]=intermediate
allows you to have later access tocompute[3,{1}]
without needing to recompute it. $\endgroup$compute[n,{a,b,c,...,k,1}]=x1
while I could have them gathered in something likeF[[n]][a][b][c]...[k]=<|1->x1,2->x2,...,j->xj|>
, this kind of thing... $\endgroup$F[[n]]
a rooted tree-like structure, with directed paths along(root)->a->b->c->...->k
for all storedcompute[n,{a,b,c,...,k}]
ending in leaves holding the values of the latter. Of course this makes sense only if one can build such kind of structure economically memorywise $\endgroup$n
s that you're interested in, and how much memory you have available? $\endgroup$n=107
at a computer with 320 gb ram, but with a very primitive code - just kept in memory everything that was going on. Right now I only have 8 unfortunately but if I manage to optimize it well enough I can ask access there again - hoping to get ton=200
. Mostly at this stage I need to study statistics/dynamics of function calls, so I can keep in memory only the part without which computations will go too slow. $\endgroup$