I have a particle which follows a certain trajectory given by rx
and ry
rx = E0*q*(-T*w*Cos[T* w] + Sin[T* w])/(2*m*w^2)
ry = E0*q*(-1 + Cos[T*w] + T*w]*Sin[T* w])/(2*m*w^2)
I am able to plot rx
and ry
but I need to have an animation of a particle (a point) which follows this path from T = 0
to T = 10
microsec. Here is the code.:
(E0*q*1.6*10^-19*(-T*ω*Cos[T*ω] + Sin[T*ω]))/(2*m*1.6*10^-27*ω^2),
(E0*q*1.6*10^-19*(-1 + Cos[T*ω] + T*ω*Sin[T*ω]))/(2*m*1.6*10^-27*ω^2)
{T, 0, temp},
AxesLabel -> {Row[{Style["rx", Italic], " (cm)"}], Row[{Style["ry", Italic], " (cm)"}]},
PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
Epilog -> {
(E0*q*1.6*10^-19*(-temp*ω*Cos[temp*ω] + Sin[temp*ω]))/(2*m*1.6*10^-27*ω^2),
(E0*q*1.6*10^-19*(-1 + Cos[temp*ω] + temp*ω*Sin[temp*ω]))/(2*m*1.6*10^-27*ω^2)
Style["horizontal", Bold],
{{m, 1, "mass"}, 1, 4, 1, ImageSize -> Tiny, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{ω, 200*2*π*1000, "frequency"}, 200*2*π*1000, 400*2*π*1000, 1*2*π*1000,
ImageSize -> Tiny, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{E0, 40, "amplitude"}, 40, 80, 1, ImageSize -> Tiny, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{q, 1, "charge"}, 1, 7, 1, ImageSize -> Tiny, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{temp, 1*10^-6, "pulselength"}, 10^10 - 6, 20*10^-6, 10*10^-6, ControlType -> Trigger},
ControlPlacement -> Left]
Any help will be appreciated.
{{temp, 1*10^-6, "pulselength"}, 10^10 - 6, 20*10^-6, 10*10^-6, ControlType -> Trigger}
to{{temp, 1*10^-6, "pulselength"}, 10*10^-6, 20*10^-6, 10^-6, ControlType -> Trigger}
. This produces what might be the animation the OP is looking for. Not sure because I don't understand the OP's physics. $\endgroup$