The documentation would suggest that the "StandardizedVector" option of FeatureExtract and FeatureExtraction should give the same results as Standardize ("numeric data processed with Standardize"), but they are not numerically identical:
example = RandomReal[{100, 125}, 1000];
example[[1 ;; 5]]
(* {110.711, 107.838, 119.151, 110.001, 107.939} *)
(*compare the effects of the two approaches*)
Take[#, 5]& @ Standardize[example]
(* {-0.246331, -0.64833, 0.934736, -0.345705, -0.634303} *)
Take[#, 5]& @ Flatten @ FeatureExtract[example, "StandardizedVector"]
(* {-0.246454, -0.648655, 0.935204, -0.345878, -0.634621} *)
What's going on here?