I have the following analytical plot.
i2k[i_] = 1/2 (i - 1)
pixx = k^2 Exp[-2 k^2 Sin[(t)/2]^2 ](-Sin[2t] - Sin[t](1-k^2 Sin[t]^2));
piyy = k^2 Exp[ -2 k^2 Sin[(t)/2 ]^2 ](-4Sin[t]Sin[(t)/2]^2 - Sin[t](1-4k^2 Sin[(t)/2]^4));
pixy = k^2 Exp[-2k^2 Sin[(t)/2 ]^2 ](2Cos[t]Sin[(t)/2]^2 + Sin[t]^2 - 2 k^2 Sin[(t)/2]^2 Sin[t]^2);
xxrot = Cos[t + 2.0 - \[Pi] / 2]^2 pixx +
Sin[t + 2.0 - \[Pi] / 2]^2 piyy -
Sin[2 (t + 2.0 - \[Pi] / 2)] pixy;
xxrotplt =
Plot[ xxrot /. k -> -i2k[6] /. t -> t - 2 // Evaluate, {t, 666 0.01,
950 0.01}, PlotRange -> All, PlotTheme -> "Detailed",
LabelStyle -> Directive[FontSize -> 40], PlotStyle -> Red]
Then my code produced the following result. s11resp
is the data from the code which I can not have here for some reasons. It is a {30000, 1, 512, 1} dimension list.
s11pltcc =
ListLinePlot[Re@s11resp[[666 ;; 950, 1, 6, 1]], PlotRange -> All,
DataRange -> {665 0.01, 949 0.01} , PlotTheme -> "Detailed",
LabelStyle -> Directive[FontSize -> 40]]
Now I should compare the code and analytic result. The problem is if we show them together the difference is invisible.
My question is how to make the difference between the code and analytical results visible? I appreciate it if you could help me.
in one plot andShow[...]