I am trying to compute an integral of the form
$\int_{\frac{1}{10000}}^{\frac{1}{1000}}g(x)x e^{3ix}$
in Mathematica both numerically and analytically. $g(x)$ is equal to
g[x_] := (1.647918829487756` + 0.0004377541512921337` I)-(5.950382035839695`*^-21 +1.0244561383672523`*^-17 I)/x^3 + ( 4.917597072242726`*^-16 + 6.250640697230879`*^-13 I)/x^2-( 1.7623301652915415`*^-11 + 1.8809797793209515`*^-8 I)/x -(5.184867552096762-20.947979274232033` I) x - (107.18849192181267` + 17075.00566589623` I) x^2 + (142847.93815916454` + 3.083551530852119`*^7 I) x^3 - (2.2921426862077513`*^8 +
5.329598975685562`*^10 I) x^4 + (3.2507619599780566`*^11 +
7.42469714410255`*^13 I) x^5 - (3.5772293756902906`*^14 +
7.82535940524534`*^16 I) x^6 + (2.853115060240398`*^17 +
5.938191548262084`*^19 I) x^7 - (1.5363326543684728`*^20 +
3.0415782075611755`*^22 I) x^8 + (4.969151746509189`*^22 +
9.378105083129474`*^24 I) x^9 - (7.267395382752606`*^24 +
1.3113949262912268`*^27 I) x^10
I find $8.13965*10^-7 + 6.95987*10^-9 I$ for the following integral
NIntegrate[g[x]*x*Exp[I*x*3], {x, 1/10000, 1/1000}]
but when I use Integrate instead of NIntegrate, I get 0. I am wondering if someone can explain this to me. Thank you!
I have one more question. The reason I asked this question was that I was trying to compute a triple integral including the integral I mentioned before. The triple integral is
PVtest[ts_] := NIntegrate[(g[z]*(I*z)*Exp[I*(-z)*4]*Exp[I*z*ts])*
g[y]*(I*y)*Exp[I*(-y)*4]*(Exp[I*y*ts]/(y - x)), {y, 1/10000, x,
1/1000},PrincipalValue -> True], {z, 1/10000, 1/1000}, {x, 1/10000, 1/1000}, Method -> {Automatic, "SymbolicProcessing" -> 0}]
I need to evaluate this principal value integral for different values of $ts$, For example, 3, 10, 15, ... Mathematica is very slow in computing the integral. So I wanted to integrate over variable $z$ first and then numerically compute the rest of the integrals. I asked this question before. Somebody told me you could take the integral over $x$ first analytically and use the principal value method, I did it and the answer for $ts=3$ was close to what I had found using NIntegrate of the triple integral, but when I increase $ts$ a little, the answer was different. This makes sense because I think the principal value integral is for variable $y$ and we cannot change the order of integration because of the singularity. I am wondering if you know how to accelerate the numerical computation of the aforementioned triple integral. Thank you!