I want to generate a set of test data to be used in a logisitic regression.
As an example consider the scenario where a cannonball is fired at a wall. There are only two outcomes: the wall collapses (1) and the wall does not collapse (0). I'm interested in the probability that the wall collapses as a function of the cannonball velocity. It is reasonable to expect that the probability vs velocity will have an S shape. Nevertheless, it is just an example.
I want to implement a procedure of generating datapoints according to the so--called K-in-a-row method. The dataset generated by this method is said to be useful in determining the velocity $V_{10}$ where the cannonball has a 10% chance of breaking the wall.
The K-in-a-row procedure works like this
- Choose some starting velocity
- If the wall collapses (y_i=1) for a particular velocity, decrease the velocity by a fixed amount
- If the wall does not collapse (y_i=0) k times in a row for a particular velocity, increase the velocity by a fixed amount
I'm interested in generating data on the form $\{V_i,y_i\}$ where $V_i$ is the velocity and $y_i=\{0,1\}$ describes whether the wall collapses or not.
As an example I consider the "true" distribution to be $$P(y_i=1|x_i)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-\frac{x-\mu}{s}}}$$ where the mean is $\mu = 50$ and the scale is $s=13$. I then pick $0$ or $1$ from a Bernoulli distribution with a probability given by the expression above.
Implemented code
The concrete code for generating the data is given below.
(*Parameter of "True distribution" and step velocity step size*)
s = 13; \[Mu] = 50;
step = 5;
(*Generate data according to K-in-a-row test*)
dataKinRow = {};
k = 5;
(*First shot*)
V0 = 20;
collapse = RandomVariate[
BernoulliDistribution[1/(1 + E^(-((V0 - \[Mu])/s)))], 1][[1]];
collapse == 1,
AppendTo[dataKinRow, {V0, collapse}];
V0 = V0 - step;
collapse =
BernoulliDistribution[1/(1 + E^(-((V0 - \[Mu])/s)))], 1][[1]];
n = 1;
collapse == 0 && n <= k,
AppendTo[dataKinRow, {V0, collapse}];
collapse =
BernoulliDistribution[1/(1 + E^(-((V0 - \[Mu])/s)))], 1][[1]];
n = n + 1;
collapse == 1 && n == 6, V0 = V0 - step,
collapse == 1 && n != 6, AppendTo[dataKinRow, {V0, collapse}];
V0 = V0 - step,
collapse == 0, V0 = V0 + step
, {shotNumber, 1, 500}];
(*Generate data according to K-in-a-row test*)
dataKinRow = {};
k = 5;
(*First shot*)
V0 = 20;
collapse = RandomVariate[
BernoulliDistribution[1/(1 + E^(-((V0 - \[Mu])/s)))], 1][[1]];
collapse == 1,
AppendTo[dataKinRow, {V0, collapse}];
V0 = V0 - step;
BernoulliDistribution[1/(1 + E^(-((V0 - \[Mu])/s)))], 1][[1]];
n = 1;
collapse== 0 && n <= k,
AppendTo[dataKinRow, {V0, collapse}];
BernoulliDistribution[1/(1 + E^(-((V0 - \[Mu])/s)))], 1][[1]];
n = n + 1;
collapse== 1 && n == 6, V0 = V0 - step,
collapse== 1 && n != 6, AppendTo[dataKinRow, {V0, collapse}];
V0 = V0 - step,
collapse== 0, V0 = V0 + step
, {shotNumber, 1, 500}];
The output for the dataset seems reasonable, although I am a bit unsure if my while-loop and what happens directly after it is correct.
I can then perform a logistic distribution to my set of data with prediction intervals on the probability by doing the following:
(*Fit logistic regression model*)
lmfKinROW = LogitModelFit[dataKinRow, x, x];
(*Get estimated parameters and associated covariance matrix*)
parmsKinROW = lmfKinROW["BestFitParameters"];
N[{\[Mu]/s, -1/s}]
covKinRow = lmfKinROW["CovarianceMatrix"]
Plot[1/(1 + E^(-((x - \[Mu])/s))), {x, \[Mu] - 5*s, \[Mu] + 5*s},
PlotStyle -> Thick, PlotRange -> {All, {-0.1, 1.1}}],
1 - (1/(1 + Exp[parmsKinROW . {1, x}])),
1 - 1/(1 +
Exp[parmsKinROW . {1, x} -
1.96 Sqrt[{1, x} . covKinRow . {1, x}]]),
1 - 1/(1 +
Exp[parmsKinROW . {1, x} +
1.96 Sqrt[{1, x} . covKinRow . {1, x}]]),
}, {x, \[Mu] - 5*s, \[Mu] + 5*s}, PlotRange -> {All, {-0.1, 1.1}},
Frame -> True,
PlotStyle -> {Red, Red, {Black, Dotted}, {Black, Dotted}}]]
Question & issue
To my great dissatisfaction I find that the logistic distribution does not seem to converge to the "true" distribution despite if I include a large number of cannonball shots. The true distribution even lies outside of the confidence intervals. Furthermore, the logistic regression for k-in-a-row converges worse than the regression i obtain just picking velocities from a uniform distribution and use the Bernoulli distribution in the same way as above to determine collapse/not collapse. This might be because the method generates data that are focused towards smaller velocities, but I would at least expect the estimate for $V_{10}$ to be better.
Unfortunately, my question then reduces to something I hope is not too trivial for this site: is there anything wrong with the way I generate my set of data, specifically with the implemented k-in-a-row algorithm?
. This is why I say you should consider asking about an appropriate analysis at CrossValidated given the way you are generating the data. $\endgroup$