I am trying to modify a ferromagnetic hysteresis loop to ferrimagnetic hysteresis loop. Below is the equation I used for ferromagnetic simulation :
Below is the code for above equation:
c[h_, b_, s_] := 1/h ArcTanh[b/s];
B0[h_, b_, s_, x_] :=
s UnitStep[x] ( (
Tanh[1.3 c[h, b, s] (x - h)] + Tanh[1.3 h c[h, b, s]])/(
1 + Tanh[1.3 h c[h, b, s]]));
B1[h_, b_, s_, x_] := s Tanh[c[h, b, s] (x + h)];
B2[h_, b_, s_, x_] := s Tanh[c[h, b, s] (x - h)]
H[h_, b_, s_, \[Alpha]_] :=
Which[-200 <= \[Alpha] <= 0, \[Alpha] + 200, 0 <= \[Alpha] < 400,
200 - \[Alpha], 400 <= \[Alpha] < 800, \[Alpha] - 600]
B[h_, b_, s_, \[Alpha]_] :=
Which[-200 <= \[Alpha] <= 0, B0[h, b, s, \[Alpha] + 200],
0 <= \[Alpha] <= 400, B1[h, b, s, 200 - \[Alpha]],
400 <= \[Alpha] <= 800, B2[h, b, s, \[Alpha] - 600]]
g[h_, b_, s_, \[Alpha]_] :=
Plot[{B0[h, b, s, x], B1[h, b, s, x], B2[h, b, s, x]}, {x, -200,
200}, PlotStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> {{-200, 200}, {-2, 2}},
AxesLabel -> {Row[{H, " (A/m)"}], Row[{B , " (T)"}]},
ImageSize -> {550, 250},
Epilog ->
Inset[Graphics[{Blue, PointSize[Large], Point[{0, 0}]}], {H[h, b,
s, \[Alpha]], B[h, b, s, \[Alpha]]}]]
\[Theta]1[h_, b_, s_, \[Alpha]_] :=
If[B[h, b, s, \[Alpha]] >= 0, (B[h, b, s, \[Alpha]] - 2) \[Pi]/
2 , -B[h, b, s, \[Alpha]] \[Pi]/2]; \[Theta]2[h_, b_,
s_, \[Alpha]_] :=
If[B[h, b, s, \[Alpha]] >= 0, (2 - B[h, b, s, \[Alpha]]) \[Pi]/2 ,
2 \[Pi] + B[h, b, s, \[Alpha]] \[Pi]/2]
Column[{g[h, b, s, \[Alpha]], magnet[h, b, s, \[Alpha]]}], {{s, 1.8,
Style[Row[{"saturation field ", Subscript[B, S], " (T)"}]]}, 1.6,
2.0, Appearance -> "Labeled"}, {{h, 35,
Style[Row[{"coercivity ", Subscript[H, C], " (A/m)"}]]}, 20, 50,
Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{b, 1.2, Style[Row[{"remanence ", Subscript[B, R], " (T)"}]]}, 1,
1.5, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{\[Alpha], -200, "cycle magnetic field"}, -200, 795, 1},
TrackedSymbols :> {h, b, s, \[Alpha]}, SaveDefinitions -> True]
I am trying to add additional term to this equation .Below is the modified equation:
I am trying to add the chi term to the manipulate function but not winning. I really appreciate any assistance. Thank you in advance