i hope some of you can support to solve my problem, i need to work on data in the following way, where the length of each of the lists or sublists is equal. As an example i want to share the data-pattern with you:
list2={{d,e,f},{g,h,i},......} (in reality the number of sublists in list2 is about 30)
the goal is now to combine these lists in the following form
{ {{a,d},{b,e},{c,f}}, {{a,g},...} ...}
The next step to plot it or to create a fit-formula. The values of list1 should be always plotted as the x-Data. I created some of the most interesting datasets as follows: `
plottedList=Table[{list1[[k]], data[[k]]}, {k, 1, Length[data]}]
My Problem is that i now would need to plot all of the data-pairs and combine the data to create the lists which i can find a linear or nonlinear fit.
I hope you can give me some advice, Best Chris!