Table[sbar = 100;
theta = 1;
h = 5/10;
w2 = i;
nu = 7/10;
al[t_] = sbar Sin[w2 t];
rho[t_] = 1 + nu Sin[w2 t];
r[x_, t_] = -theta (1 - x) D[rho[t], t] // Simplify;
r1[x_, t_] = -theta x (1 - x) al[t] rho[t] (1 - 2 x + h (4 x - 3)) //
(eqs = Subtract @@@ {D[v[x, t],
t] == -al[t] x (1 - x) D[(x + h (1 - 2 x)) v[x, t],
x] + (x (1 - x)/(2 rho[t])) D[v[x, t], x, x] + r[x, t] +
r1[x, t], v[x, 0] == 0, v[0, t] == 0, v[1, t] == 0} //
Together // Numerator // Expand // Simplify) // TableForm;
vsol = v /.
First@NDSolve[Thread[eqs == 0], v, {x, 0, 1}, {t, 0, 100 Pi/w2}(*,
StartingStepSize\[Rule]{.0001,.01}*), WorkingPrecision -> 30];
nint1 = NIntegrate[2 vsol[x, t], {x, 0, 1}, {t, 52 Pi/w2, 54 Pi/w2},
MaxRecursion -> 20];
2 (1 - x) rho[t], {x, 0, 1}, {t, 52 Pi/w2, 54 Pi/w2}]/(2 Pi/w2) +
nint1/(2 Pi/w2), {i, 10, 90, 40}]
Please suggest me how to remove the numerical errors, clearly the answer which is coming is clearly off and absurd.
I am not sure I want to spend time on this. $\endgroup$