
I want to plot two plots on a single frame. First is listplot and second is plot. for example,

 d1 = {{100, 0.1}, {1000, 0.5}, {10000, 0.9}} 
 d2= {{100,0.5},{1000,0.7},{10000,0.89}}

 Plot[{-  0.01 Sin[0.0005 t + Pi/4],  - 0.01 Sin[
0.002 t  + Pi/4] }, {t, 0, 10000}]

Now the plot and listplot have same xaxis range whereas different yaxis range. I want to make frame's right yaxis for the plot and left yaxis for the listplot. How can I combine these plots on a single frame. I tried overlay but the export image size becomes huge in overlay.


1 Answer 1


Using ResourceFunction["CombinePlots"] with its "AxesSides" option:

d1 = {{100, 0.1}, {1000, 0.5}, {10000, 0.9}};
d2 = {{100, 0.5}, {1000, 0.7}, {10000, 0.89}};
 ListPlot[{d1, d2}, Frame -> True],
 Plot[{-0.01 Sin[0.0005 t + Pi/4], -0.01 Sin[0.002 t + Pi/4]}, {t, 0, 10000}, Frame -> True],
 "AxesSides" -> "TwoY"

enter image description here

(Note that I set Frame->True for both plots)


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