I have a large expression with bessel function in the result of DSolve. The equation is
DSolve[3/2 (-2 + x) x \[Alpha]^2 - y[x] + 2 Derivative[1][y][x] +
2 x (y^\[Prime]\[Prime])[x] == 0, {y[x]}, {x}]
Now, I am only bothered with the large x value of the solution. We know, bessel functions have simplified behavior in the asymptotic limit, like
$I_n(x)=\frac{e^x}{\sqrt{2 \pi x}}$.
Using this sort of simplified expressions, is it possible to reduce the result of DSolve using some predefined mathematica syntax? I am not able to do this using the "Series" command, as that gives a series with integer powers, and here, it may not be integers.
? $\endgroup$