In 12.2.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (December 12, 2020)
, once defined:
eqn1 = {Cos[t] == 0, 0 < t < Pi};
eqn2 = {TrigToExp[Cos[t]] == 0, 0 < t < Pi};
solving the respective equations:
sol1 = NSolve[eqn1, WorkingPrecision -> 5]
sol2 = NSolve[eqn2, WorkingPrecision -> 5]
we get:
{{t -> 1.5708}}
therefore, through the checks:
Cos[t] == TrigToExp[Cos[t]] // Simplify
eqn1 /. sol1
eqn2 /. sol1
we get:
{{True, True}}
{{True, True}}
Am I missing something or is something wrong in NSolve