I attempted to use NDSolve
for the 1-D isentropic unsteady flow equations with low subsonic inflow velocity and prescribed inflow total enthalpy; along with a non-reflective subsonic outflow boundary condition (BC) based on the method of characteristics. The latter BC is commonly used in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and in Computational Aero-Acoustics. NDSolve
rejects this BC outright in Mathematica 9.0.1.
Auxiliary Eq's and parameters.
gamma = 1.4;
sigma = 0.25;
uInfty = 0.02;
M$ref = uInfty/Sqrt[gamma - 1];
dhInfty = (-(1/2)) uInfty^2;
h[x_, t_] := 1 + dh[x, t];
c[x_, t_] := ((gamma - 1)*h[x, t])^(1/2);
k = sigma*(1 - M$ref^2);
rule = {
residu -> D[dh[x, t] + (1/2)*u[x, t]^2, x],
residh -> u[x, t]*D[dh[x, t], x] + (gamma - 1)*D[u[x, t], x]};
PDE's for dependent variables u
and dh
vs. x
and t
AllEqs = {
ueqn -> D[u[x, t], t] + residu == 0,
dheqn -> D[dh[x, t], t] + residh == 0} /. rule;
BC and IC.
BCICRules = {
bcInFlow -> {(*Inflow Boundary x=0 (subsonic)*)
u[0, t] == uInfty,
dh[0, t] + (1/2)*u[0, t]^2 == 0},
bcOutFlow -> {(*Outflow Boundary x=1 (subsonic, non-reflective)*)
Derivative[0, 1][dh][1, t] - c[1, t]*Derivative[0, 1][u][1, t] +
k*c[1, t]*(dh[1, t] - dhInfty) == 0},
ic -> {(*IC*)
u[x, 0] == (1 - x)*uInfty,
dh[x, 0] == (1 - x)*dhInfty}
Solve the equations numerically to steady state
NDSolve[Flatten@({ueqn, dheqn, bcInFlow, bcOutFlow, ic} /. AllEqs /. BCICRules),
{dh[x, t], u[x, t]}, {t, 0, 3.}, {x, 0, 1.}]
Following error occurs!
NDSolve::bdord: Boundary condition 0.157956 (0.0002 +dh[1,t]) Sqrt[1+dh[1,t]]+(dh^(0,1))[1,t]-0.632456 Sqrt[1+dh[1,t]] (u^(0,1))[1,t] should have derivatives of order lower than the differential order of the partial differential equation. >>
- The reason for failure is
specification. Changing it to the following by vanishing the time derivatives results into a solution without any complain.
New bcOutFlow
bcOutFlow -> {
Derivative[0, 0][dh][1, t] - c[1, t]*Derivative[0, 0][u][1, t] +
k*c[1, t]*(dh[1, t] - dhInfty) == 0}
Here is the plot.
Plot3D[Evaluate[{#[x, t]} /. soln0], {t, 0, 3}, {x, 0, 1},
Mesh -> None, ColorFunction -> "DarkRainbow",
PlotStyle -> Opacity[.7], PlotPoints -> 40, ImageSize -> 400,
PlotLabel -> #] & /@ {dh, u} // Row
- Above error states that BC is not allowed to contain time derivatives of the same order as the time derivatives in the PDE's (namely, first-order time derivatives). THIS CLAIM IS PATENTLY INCORRECT FOR THE COMPRESSIBLE FLOW EQUATIONS. The non-reflective boundary condition containing time derivatives is widely used, as anyone can verify from the CFD literature of the past two decades.
- I had hoped that, within Mathematica's Method of Lines, the non-reflective outflow boundary condition should just give rise to another ODE in time at the outflow-boundary grid point $x=1$. That ODE should be coupled automatically to those at the interior grid points through the stencil of the built-in default spatial differencing scheme.
- The pre-test has caused Mathematica to give the
error and reject the problem outright. If the pre-test were bypassed, then there might be hope thatNDSolve
would translate the time-derivative outflow boundary condition into a time-dependent ODE for the dependent variables at the boundary grid point $x=1$. It could then go forward with the numerical integration of the ODE system.
- Does anyone out there know of a way to circumvent this difficulty with the
implementation in Mathematica 9.0.1? - Specifically, does anyone know if it is possible to bypass
's pre-test for derivatives in the boundary conditions? - Any suggestion how to accommodate reflective BC for a PDE like the above one in Mathematica?