The similar command in MMA is ComponentMeasurement
. It lists all detected bright components of an image with desired parameter.
a = Import[
cm = ComponentMeasurements[
Binarize@a, {"Centroid", "SemiAxes", "Orientation"}]
{1 -> {{488.496, 386.124}, {750.908, 620.778}, 3.14156},
2 -> {{438.5, 868.5}, {3.66324, 2.63965}, -1.5708},
3 -> {{526.5, 868.87}, {3.31766, 2.55314}, -1.5708},
4 -> {{539., 871.}, {2.23607, 1.}, 3.14159},
5 -> {{513.864, 866.591}, {2.17306, 1.53368}, -2.87856},
6 -> {{499.6, 483.975}, {205.184, 190.328}, -0.834907},
7 -> {{349.5, 626.}, {1., 0.5}, -1.5708}}
The result contains more than one entry because the presence of the caption on top of the image together with white frame. The needed spot is number six (with second biggest value of simiaxes).
Epilog -> {
Circle[cm[[6, 2, 1]], cm[[6, 2, 2]]],
cm[[6, 2, 3]]]
ImageSize -> Automatic]