My question is with reference to the U-NET implementation present on the Wolfram Neural Net Repository
The construction notebook
present on the page (link: contains all the necessary functions for constructing the net. However, it does not contain the procedure for training the neural net.
I am trying to implement a simple training procedure so that I can firstly train the net myself on the same dataset which the net was initially trained on ( Thereafter, I would like to use a different dataset for training.
Please download the construction notebook
and the training dataset
before proceeding. The only code that I have added to the construction notebook
is mentioned below:
(*loading the images, resizing them and augmenting them to produce the training dataset;
background labelled as 1 and cells in the foreground as 2.*)
fnamesimages = Import["C:\\Users\\aliha\\Downloads\\dataset\\images\\"];
ordering = Ordering@Flatten@StringCases[fnamesimages, (p : DigitCharacter ..) ~~ ".tif" :> FromDigits@p];
fnamesimages = fnamesimages[[ordering]];
images = Import["C:\\Users\\aliha\\Downloads\\dataset\\images\\" <> #] &/@fnamesimages;
images = ImageResize[#, {388, 388}] & /@ images;
masks = Import["C:\\Users\\aliha\\Downloads\\dataset\\segmentation\\" <> #] &/@fnamesimages;
allmasks = Flatten@Table[ImageRotate[j, i], {j, masks}, {i, {0, Pi/2, Pi, 3/2 Pi}}];
allmasks = Join[allmasks, ImageReflect /@ allmasks];
maskres = ImageResize[#, {388, 388}] & /@ allmasks;
m = ArrayComponents[ImageData@#, 2, {0. -> 1, n_ /; n != 0. -> 2}] &/@maskres;
allimages = Flatten@Table[ImageRotate[j, i], {j, images}, {i, {0, Pi/2, Pi, 3/2 Pi}}];
allimages = Join[allimages, ImageReflect /@ allimages];
(* using a small subset of images and segmented images because of GPU memory crash*)
trained = NetTrain[unet, allimages[[1 ;; 50]] -> m[[1 ;; 50]], All, BatchSize -> 5, MaxTrainingRounds -> 1, TargetDevice -> "GPU"];
trainedNet = trained["TrainedNet"];
In addition I am using the code in the example notebook
(present on the same page) to then evaluate the trained net on a test image.
netevaluate[img_, device_ : "CPU"] :=
Block[{net = trainedNet, dims = ImageDimensions[img], pads, mask},
pads = Map[{Floor[#], Ceiling[#]} &, Mod[4 - dims, 16]/2];
mask = NetReplacePart[net,
{"Input" ->
NetEncoder[{"Image", Ceiling[dims - 4, 16] + 188,
ColorSpace -> "Grayscale"}],
"Output" ->
NetDecoder[{"Class", Range[2], "InputDepth" -> 3}]}][
ImagePad[ColorConvert[img, "Grayscale"], pads + 92,
Padding -> "Reversed"],
TargetDevice -> device
Take[mask, {1, -1} Reverse[pads[[2]] + 1], {1, -1} (pads[[1]] + 1)]
we can now load the test image and apply the net.
testimg = Import["C:\\Users\\aliha\\Downloads\\dataset\\test image\\t099.tif];
Unfortunately I do not get any segmentations back. I just get the background. Could someone kindly let me know where I may be having the issue? Thanks !