
I define a function nextK and compute the first three terms in a recurrence as follows:

nextK[k3_] := Expand[FullSimplify[3 + k3 + 2 Sqrt[2 + 3 k3]]]
G[y_] := nextK[G[y - 1]]
G[1] := 3
Table[G[i], {i, 3}]

with the output

first three terms in the sequence

However if I use RecurrenceTable

  {a[n + 1] == nextK[a[n]], a[1] == 3},
  a, {n, 1, 3}

I get the following:

same terms, as output by recurrencetable

Note that the third element has not been simplified. It should be the same as the third element of the previous computation. It's as if the FullSimplify in the definition of nextK has not been honored. What am I doing wrong?

(Update) Clearly, FullSimplify could be run once the table is complete, but for non-trivial tables (say 10 or 20 elements rather than just 3), the pre-simplification expressions can be huge.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ In[713]:= nextK[a[n]] Out[713]= 3 + a[n] + 2 Sqrt[2 + 3 a[n]] Which means FullSimplify will not be seen in RecurrenceTable. You may improve things if you use RSolve in this case. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 17, 2020 at 1:21

2 Answers 2


I see the same behavior in the latest version


(* "12.2.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (December 12, 2020)" *)


nextK[k3_] := FullSimplify[3 + k3 + 2 Sqrt[2 + 3 k3]];

Add memorization to the definition of G

G[y_] := G[y] = nextK[G[y - 1]];
G[1] := 3
Table[G[i], {i, 3}]

(* {3, 2 (3 + Sqrt[11]), 15 + 4 Sqrt[11]} *)

The RecurrenceTable results have not been simplified. Presumably, nextK is first evaluated symbolically where the simplification does not change the form. Subsequent numeric values do not then have the simplification applied.

seq = RecurrenceTable[{a[n + 1] == nextK[a[n]], a[1] == 3}, a, {n, 1, 5}]

(* {3, 6 + 2 Sqrt[11], 9 + 2 Sqrt[11] + 2 Sqrt[2 + 3 (6 + 2 Sqrt[11])], 
 12 + 2 Sqrt[11] + 2 Sqrt[2 + 3 (6 + 2 Sqrt[11])] + 
  2 Sqrt[2 + 3 (9 + 2 Sqrt[11] + 2 Sqrt[2 + 3 (6 + 2 Sqrt[11])])], 
 15 + 2 Sqrt[11] + 2 Sqrt[2 + 3 (6 + 2 Sqrt[11])] + 
  2 Sqrt[2 + 3 (9 + 2 Sqrt[11] + 2 Sqrt[2 + 3 (6 + 2 Sqrt[11])])] + 
  2 \[Sqrt](2 + 
      3 (12 + 2 Sqrt[11] + 2 Sqrt[2 + 3 (6 + 2 Sqrt[11])] + 
         2 Sqrt[2 + 3 (9 + 2 Sqrt[11] + 2 Sqrt[2 + 3 (6 + 2 Sqrt[11])])]))} *)

seq = seq // FullSimplify

(* {3, 2 (3 + Sqrt[11]), 15 + 4 Sqrt[11], 6 (5 + Sqrt[11]), 51 + 8 Sqrt[11]} *)

Note that FindSequenceFunction can be used to generalize from the sequence provided by RecurrenceTable

f[n_] = FindSequenceFunction[seq, n] // FullSimplify

(* 6 - 2 Sqrt[11] + n (-6 + 2 Sqrt[11] + 3 n) *)

Verifying that this result is equivalent to G

And @@ Table[G[n] == f[n], {n, 50}]

(* True *)

However, the results of f must also be subsequently simplified to obtain the same form as G

f /@ Range[3]

(* {3, 6 + 2 Sqrt[11], 6 - 2 Sqrt[11] + 3 (3 + 2 Sqrt[11])} *)

% // FullSimplify

(* {3, 2 (3 + Sqrt[11]), 15 + 4 Sqrt[11]} *)
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for FindSequenceFunction, I will find that handy. But otherwise, I think you are just confirming that FullSimplify is not honored and it has to be applied after the sequence is computed. The problem is that if you run the RecurrenceTable for even a small number of entries like {n, 1, 10} its printout will explode, and I worry that there is a time penalty for running a FullSimplify on such a massive expressions. The fact that RecurrenceTable works with == definitions (instead of = definitions) makes me think it does not run the way we assume. $\endgroup$
    – brainjam
    Commented Dec 17, 2020 at 3:00
  • $\begingroup$ The closed-form, i.e., f[n], does not "explode" for any value of n. And if you want a simpler form, Simplify will suffice. $\endgroup$
    – Bob Hanlon
    Commented Dec 17, 2020 at 3:23
  • $\begingroup$ I simplified my nextK for the purposes of the question, so I'm not sure a closed form exists. But if it does, RSolve and Simplify will certainly do the trick. If it doesn't, I might be better off defining recursive function G and using Table $\endgroup$
    – brainjam
    Commented Dec 17, 2020 at 3:32

For my purposes I should have been using something like NestList.

NestList[nextK, 3, 5] 

enter image description here

gives exactly what is expected.

When using RecurrenceTable I did not appreciate that it is a solver, rather than an iterator. The use of == as opposed to = should have tipped me off.

As a solver, RecurrenceTable needs to set up a well defined set of recurrence definitions. In my case, it executes nextK symbolically to get nextK[a[n]]3 + a[n] + 2 Sqrt[2 + 3 a[n]]. Expand and FullSimplify have been applied, but in the symbolic case they have no effect (unlike in the numeric case using exact expressions).

A simpler example gives confirmation. We define a new function nextL that adds a random integer:

nextL[x_] :=x + RandomInteger[{1,20}]


seq=RecurrenceTable[{a[n + 1] == nextL[a[n]], a[1] ==x}, a, {n, 1,5}]
(* {x,16+x,32+x,48+x,64+x} *)

(* {16,16,16,16} *)  

shows that nextL is only called once, whereas in

(* {x,15+x,27+x,31+x,48+x} *)

(* {15,12,4,17} *)

nextL is called for each iteration.


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