There's a bit more to the story. Mathematica treats variables as complex by default, and I for one have had trouble figuring out how Limit
figures out how to treat variables such as c
in this case.
Some analysis
First, let's examine a0
(= a
in OP) with the assumption thatc
is real:
a0 = (h^2 + c^2 h^2 + Sqrt[4 h^2 + (h^2 + c^2 h^2)^2])^2 /
(4 (h^2 + 1/4 (h^2 + c^2 h^2 + Sqrt[4 h^2 + (h^2 + c^2 h^2)^2])^2));
aR = FullSimplify[a0, h > 0 && c \[Element] Reals]
(* -> (h + c^2 h + Sqrt[4 + (1 + c^2)^2 h^2])/(2 Sqrt[ 4 + (1 + c^2)^2 h^2]) *)
$$\frac{\sqrt{\left(c^2+1\right)^2 h^2+4}+c^2 h+h}{2 \sqrt{\left(c^2+1\right)^2 h^2+4}}$$
It simplifies a little if we split the fraction up:
1/2 + Factor[aR - 1/2]
(* -> 1/2 + ((1 + c^2) h)/(2 Sqrt[4 + (1 + c^2)^2 h^2]) *)
$$\frac{\left(c^2+1\right) h}{2 \sqrt{\left(c^2+1\right)^2 h^2+4}}+\frac{1}{2}$$
And let's look at it if c
is an imaginary number k I
aI = FullSimplify[a0 /. c -> k I, h > 0 && k \[Element] Reals]
(* -> (h - h k^2 + Sqrt[4 + h^2 (-1 + k^2)^2])/(2 Sqrt[4 + h^2 (-1 + k^2)^2]) *)
$$\frac{\sqrt{h^2 \left(k^2-1\right)^2+4}-h k^2+h}{2 \sqrt{h^2 \left(k^2-1\right)^2+4}}$$
Again it simplifies if we split the fraction up:
1/2 + Factor[aI - 1/2]
(* -> 1/2 - (h (-1 + k) (1 + k))/(2 Sqrt[4 + h^2 (-1 + k^2)^2]) *)
$$\frac{1}{2}-\frac{h (k-1) (k+1)}{2 \sqrt{h^2 \left(k^2-1\right)^2+4}}$$
We see if c
is +/-I
(if k
is +/-1
), the fraction is 0
, so the limit is 1/2
. If k > 1
or k < -1
, then the limit of the fraction is -1/2
, so the limit of a0
is 0
. And if -1 < k < 1
, then the limit of the fraction is +1/2
, so the limit of a0
is 1
. If c
is real, then up above one can see the limit of the fraction is 1/2
, so the limit of a0
is 1
Here are some examples:
Table[Print["c = ", c, " --> ", HoldForm[Limit[a0, h -> Infinity]],
" = ", Limit[a0, h -> Infinity]], {c, {1, I/2, I, 2 I}}];
c = 1 --> Limit[a0, h -> Infinity] = 1
c = I/2 --> Limit[a0, h -> Infinity] = 1
c = I --> Limit[a0, h -> Infinity] = 1/2
c = 2 I --> Limit[a0, h -> Infinity] = 0
How to find the limit sought
One should probably use assumptions:
a1 = Simplify[a];
a2 = FullSimplify[a];
Block[{$Assumptions = c \[Element] Reals}, Limit[a0, h -> Infinity]]
Block[{$Assumptions = c \[Element] Reals}, Limit[a1, h -> Infinity]]
Block[{$Assumptions = c \[Element] Reals}, Limit[a2, h -> Infinity]]
(* -> 1, 1, 1 *)
Then the answers are correct.
EDIT - Addendum
Prompted to investigate further by various comments, I have something to add, including what the actual limit for a generic complex $c$ is (which one might expect Mathematica could return as the correct answer). This goes beyond the current version of the OP's question, which stipulates that $c$ be real, but I hope it sheds some light on the issues Limit
has dealing with this function.
What should the limit be?
Working it out by hand, I get the limit for a complex $c$ to be
1 & {\rm Im}(c)^2-{\rm Re}(c)^2<1 \\
{1}/{2} & {\rm Im}(c)^2-{\rm Re}(c)^2=1 \\
0 & {\rm Im}(c)^2-{\rm Re}(c)^2>1
Here is a plot of the real part of a0
vs. c
when h = 100
. The imaginary parts are nearly zero, and the real part is nearly equal to the limit. You can see the discontinuity forming along the red cliff. The limits at six test values are shown by the green spheres. We will use these test values for c
again later.
testvalues = {1, I/2, I, 2 I, 1 + 2 I, 2 + 2 I};
Evaluate[{Re[c], Im[c], Re[a0]} /. {c -> r E^(I q), h -> 100.}],
{r, 0, 3}, {q, 0, 2 π}, PlotPoints -> {50, 150}, MaxRecursion -> 5,
Exclusions -> None, MeshFunctions -> {#2^2 - #1^2 &, #4 &, #5 &},
MeshStyle -> {Red, GrayLevel[0.5], GrayLevel[0.5]},
Mesh -> {{-1, 0, 1, 2}; {0.97, 1.03}, 11, {0, π/2, π, (3 π)/2}},
MeshShading -> {{{Yellow, Red, Lighter[Purple, 0.5]}}},
BoundaryStyle -> GrayLevel[0.5], Lighting -> "Neutral", PlotRange -> Full,
AxesLabel -> {Re[c], Im[c], ""}],
Sphere[{Re[#], Im[#], Limit[a0 /. {c -> #}, h -> Infinity]}, 0.07] & /@
There are spikes (poles) where the denominator of a0
is zero:
Solve[((4 (h^2 + 1/4 (h^2 + c^2 h^2 + Sqrt[4 h^2 + (h^2 + c^2 h^2)^2])^2)) /. h -> 100) == 0, c] // N
(* -> {{c -> -0.0099995 + 1.00005 I}, {c -> 0.0099995 - 1.00005 I}, {c -> -0.0099995 - 1.00005 I}, {c -> 0.0099995 + 1.00005 I}} *)
How could Mathematica get different answers?
First, it is not a problem with Simplify
above) or FullSimplify
above). All give the same correct limits with definite values for c
Limit[a0 /. {c -> #}, h -> Infinity] & /@ testvalues
Limit[a1 /. {c -> #}, h -> Infinity] & /@ testvalues
Limit[a2 /. {c -> #}, h -> Infinity] & /@ testvalues
(* -> {1, 1, 1/2, 0, 0, 1}
{1, 1, 1/2, 0, 0, 1}
{1, 1, 1/2, 0, 0, 1} *)
I came up with ways to arrive algebraicallly at the different answers for the limits of a0
and a2
for a generic c
. I doubt this is how Mathematica arrives at its answers, but it shows how the mistake might arise.
To find a limit at infinity, we can replace h
by 1/k
and let k
approach 0. In calculus we learn to simplify the expression until we can plug in k = 0
b0 = Simplify[a0 /. h -> 1/k, k > 0]
b2 = Simplify[a2 /. h -> 1/k, k > 0]
(* -> (1 + c^2 + Sqrt[1 + 2 c^2 + c^4 + 4 k^2])^2/(2 (1 + c^4 + 4 k^2 + Sqrt[1 + 2 c^2 + c^4 + 4 k^2] + c^2 (2 + Sqrt[1 + 2 c^2 + c^4 + 4 k^2]))) *)
(* -> (2 k^2)/(1 + c^4 + 4 k^2 - Sqrt[1 + 2 c^2 + c^4 + 4 k^2] - c^2 (-2 + Sqrt[1 + 2 c^2 + c^4 + 4 k^2])) *)
b0 // TeXForm // Print
b2 // TeXForm // Print
$$\frac{\left(c^2+\sqrt{c^4+2 c^2+4 k^2+1}+1\right)^2}{2 \left(c^4+c^2 \left(\sqrt{c^4+2 c^2+4 k^2+1}+2\right)+\sqrt{c^4+2 c^2+4 k^2+1}+4 k^2+1\right)}$$
$$\frac{2 k^2}{c^4-c^2 \left(\sqrt{c^4+2 c^2+4 k^2+1}-2\right)-\sqrt{c^4+2 c^2+4 k^2+1}+4 k^2+1}$$
So far, so good:
b0 == b2 // Simplify
(* -> True *)
For b0
, setting k
to zero yields 1 the same as Limit[a0, h -> Infinity]
b0 /. k -> 0 // TeXForm
$$\frac{\left(c^2+\sqrt{c^4+2 c^2+1}+1\right)^2}{2
\left(c^4+\left(\sqrt{c^4+2 c^2+1}+2\right)
c^2+\sqrt{c^4+2 c^2+1}+1\right)}$$
which we can see by multiplying out the numerator and simplifying:
b0 /. k -> 0 // Expand // Together
(* -> 1 *)
Surprisingly, Simplify does something else and returns
b0 /. k -> 0 // Simplify // TeXForm
$$\frac{c^2+\sqrt{\left(c^2+1\right)^2}+1}{2 c^2+2}$$
whose value depends on c
% /. {c -> #} & /@ testvalues
(* -> {1, 1, Indeterminate, 0, 0, 1} *)
Turning to b2
, setting k
to zero yields 0, the same as Limit[a2, h -> Infinity]
b2 /. k -> 0
(* -> 0 *)
As with a0
and a2
, the limits of b0
and b2
at definite values of c
are correct:
Limit[b0 /. {c -> #}, k -> 0] & /@ testvalues
Limit[b2 /. {c -> #}, k -> 0] & /@ testvalues
(* -> {1, 1, 1/2, 0, 0, 1}
{1, 1, 1/2, 0, 0, 1} *)
A related example
Change 1+c^2
to 1-c^2
aIm = a0 /. c -> I c
(* -> (h^2 - c^2 h^2 + Sqrt[4 h^2 + (h^2 - c^2 h^2)^2])^2/(4 (h^2 + 1/4 (h^2 - c^2 h^2 + Sqrt[4 h^2 + (h^2 - c^2 h^2)^2])^2)) *)
$$\frac{\left(-c^2 h^2+\sqrt{\left(h^2-c^2
h^2\right)^2+4 h^2}+h^2\right)^2}{4
\left(\frac{1}{4} \left(-c^2
h^2+\sqrt{\left(h^2-c^2 h^2\right)^2+4
Now I'm primarily interest in real c
and the limit at h -> Infinity
It is similar to previous one above:
1 & \left| c\right| <1 \\
{1}/{2} & \left| c\right| =1 \\
0 & \left| c\right| >1
Mathematica gives one of the answers by default
Limit[aIm, h -> Infinity]
(* -> 1 *)
At definite values of c
, we get the right answers
Limit[aIm /. {c -> #}, h -> Infinity] & /@ {0, 1, 2}
(* -> {1, 1/2, 0} *)
With various assumptions, one cannot get an answer that depends on c
Limit[aIm, h -> Infinity, Assumptions -> c \[Element] Reals]
(* -> 1 *)
The correct answer appears in some cases:
Limit[aIm, h -> Infinity, Assumptions -> c > 1 || c < -1]
Limit[aIm, h -> Infinity, Assumptions -> c == 1]
Limit[aIm, h -> Infinity, Assumptions -> c == -1]
Limit[aIm, h -> Infinity, Assumptions -> -1 < c < 1]
(* -> 0, 1/2, 1/2, 1 *)
These are wrong; the limit is 1/2 in both cases:
Limit[aIm, h -> Infinity, Assumptions -> c \[Element] Reals && Abs[c] == 1]
Limit[aIm, h -> Infinity, Assumptions -> c == -1 || c == 1]
(* -> 0, 0 *)
Whatever definite value I set c
to, I always got the correct limit, but Limit
does not handle c
as a symbol correctly. With some careless algebraic operations, I was able to derive the answers Limit
gave for original function and the FullSimplified
version. Even with Assumptions
that yield a unique limit, Limit
does not always give the right answer. I would be surprised if it were mathematically impossible to develop an algorithm for finding a large class of limits including the OP's, given what can be done for integrals and by standard calculus techniques. I've never found a lot of use for Limit
, but perhaps it is because of its limitations.
is the right answer, aren't I? $\endgroup$Simplify
work well if one uses assumptions therein or inLimit
. $\endgroup$Limit
has been considerably improved in the time frame under question. This particular bug has not been fixed, but inductive reasoning from a sample size of 1 is probably not a statistically sound notion. $\endgroup$