Can someone give a workaround and/or explanation why Problem 1/Problem 2 fail to solve through SemidefiniteOptimization
? Problem 3 works. (I'm using 12.1.0 on Mac). The main difference is that Problem 1+2 use diagonal matrix constraint, whereas Problem 3 matrix constraint has no 0's. I could solve them without calling SemidefiniteOptimization
, but prefer to have a single solution to cover a wide range of cases.
Problem 1
Implementation below below fails with Stuck at the edge of dual feasibility
Find operator norm of $f(A)=5A$ by solving the following problem:
$$ \text{min}_{A,x} x $$
Subject to $$ I\succ A \succ -I\\ x I \succ -5 A $$
d = 1;
ii = IdentityMatrix[d];
(* Symbolic symmetric d-by-d matrix *)
X = 5*ii;
A = Array[a[Min[#1, #2], Max[#1, #2]] &, {d, d}];
vars = DeleteDuplicates[Flatten[A]];
cons0 = VectorGreaterEqual[{A, -ii}, {"SemidefiniteCone", d}];
cons1 = VectorGreaterEqual[{ii, A}, {"SemidefiniteCone", d}];
cons2 = VectorGreaterEqual[{x ii, -X.A}, {"SemidefiniteCone", d}];
SemidefiniteOptimization[x, cons0 && cons1 && cons2, {x}~Join~vars]
Problem 2
This example in $2$ dimension gives a different error: The matrix {{0.,1.},{2.,0.}} is not Hermitian or real and symmetric
. Where did this matrix come from?
Find operator norm of $f(A)=\left(\begin{matrix}1&0\\0&2\end{matrix}\right) A$ by solving the following problem:
$$ \text{min}_{A,x} x $$ Subject to $$ I \succ A \succ -I\\ x I \succ -\left(\begin{matrix}1&0\\0&2\end{matrix}\right) A $$
d = 2;
ii = IdentityMatrix[d];
extractVars[mat_] := DeleteDuplicates@Cases[Flatten@A, _a];
A = Array[a[Min[#1, #2], Max[#1, #2]] &, {d, d}];
vars = extractVars[A];
X = DiagonalMatrix@Range@d;
cons0 = VectorGreaterEqual[{A, -ii}, {"SemidefiniteCone", d}];
cons1 = VectorGreaterEqual[{ii, A}, {"SemidefiniteCone", d}];
cons2 = VectorGreaterEqual[{x ii, -X.A}, {"SemidefiniteCone", d}];
SemidefiniteOptimization[x, cons0 && cons1 && cons2, {x}~Join~vars]
(* Prints SemidefiniteOptimization::herm: The matrix {{0.,1.},{2.,0.}} is not Hermitian or real and symmetric. *)
Problem 3
For this problem SemidefiniteOptimization works, even though the problem seems harder than the previous two.
Find operator norm of $f(A)=\sum_i^{d^2} V_i' A V_i$ by solving the following problem:
$$ \text{min}_{A,x} x $$ Subject to $$ I \succ A \succ -I\\ x I \succ -\sum_i^{d^2} V_i' A V_i \\ $$
d = 4;
ii = IdentityMatrix[d];
extractVars[mat_] := DeleteDuplicates@Cases[Flatten@A, _a];
A = Array[a[Min[#1, #2], Max[#1, #2]] &, {d, d}];
Vs = Table[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {d, d}], {d^2}];
B = Total[Transpose[#].A.# & /@ Vs];
vars = extractVars[A];
X = DiagonalMatrix@Range@d;
cons0 = VectorGreaterEqual[{A, -ii}, {"SemidefiniteCone", d}];
cons1 = VectorGreaterEqual[{ii, A}, {"SemidefiniteCone", d}];
cons2 = VectorGreaterEqual[{x ii, -B}, {"SemidefiniteCone", d}];
solution =
A /. SemidefiniteOptimization[x, cons1 && cons2, {x}~Join~vars];
Print["result matches Russo-Dye: ",
Norm[solution - IdentityMatrix[d]] < 10^-7] (* True *)
. The first constraint looks wrong. I assume you are using the infinity norm for the vector space. If that is also the norm for your operator space then it is the largest row sum of absolute values inA
. $\endgroup${x -> -1., a[1, 1] -> 1., a[1, 2] -> 0., a[2, 2] -> 0.746381}
. $\endgroup$SemidefiniteOptimization
was modified in that version $\endgroup$