How do you change the AxesOrigin to {0,0,0} for ListLinePlot3D? The code I initially have looks like this
ListPointPlot3D[Table[Sin[j + i], {i, 1}, {j, 0, 3, 0.1}],
AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "z"}]
Which yields Then when I add AxesOrigin->{0,0,0} as follows
ListPointPlot3D[Table[Sin[j^2 + i], {i, 0, 3, 0.2}, {j, 0, 3, 0.2}],
Filling -> Bottom, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0, 0}]
I get which hasnt changed the origin of the axes but rather has removed the axis all together. I'd ideally like the axes to look something like the example shown below
Any help would be most appreciated because this issue has been driving me crazy