

    t={{7, 13, 19}, {13, 25, 37}, {19, 37, 55}, {25, 49, 73}, {31, 61, 91}, {37, 73, 109}}

I want to select those lists where all three numbers are primes, so I should get

{{7, 13, 19}, {37, 73, 109}}

I am looking for some equivalent of

Select[PrimeQ] /@ t
Cases[___?PrimeQ] /@ t
Pick[#, PrimeQ@#] &@ t

But these just give me all primes in all sublists.


4 Answers 4


This is a perfect use case for AllTrue:

Select[t, AllTrue[PrimeQ]]
(* {{7, 13, 19}, {37, 73, 109}} *)

Alternatively, you should specify the pattern you actually want in Cases:

Cases[t, {___?PrimeQ}]
(* {{7, 13, 19}, {37, 73, 109}} *)

If for some reason you really want a function you can Map over the list to do what you want, you'll need to use Replace in concert with the special symbol Nothing:

Map[Replace[Except[{___?PrimeQ}] -> Nothing], t]
(* {{7, 13, 19}, {37, 73, 109}} *)
Pick[t, And @@@ PrimeQ @ t]
{{7, 13, 19}, {37, 73, 109}}

Either of these takes advantage of the fact that PrimeQ automatically threads over lists:

Select[t, Apply[And]@*PrimeQ]
Select[t, And @@ PrimeQ[#] &]

(* Out: {7, 13, 19}, {37, 73, 109} *)

I see there are alrready lots of good answers, but my thought was to turn the True and False of the PrimeQ command to 1 and 0, then mutliply:

Extract[t, Position[Times @@@ Boole[PrimeQ[t]], 1]]

{{7, 13, 19}, {37, 73, 109}}

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