I want to generate alphabetical parameters in the differential solution as shown in the figure below: $$\left(\frac{\mathrm d^2}{\mathrm d r^2}+\frac1{r}\frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm d r}\right)\left(\frac{\mathrm d^2\phi}{\mathrm d r^2}+\frac1{r}\frac{\mathrm d\phi}{\mathrm d r}\right)=0$$
$$\phi=A\ln r+B r^2\ln r+C r^2+D$$ But I get a lot of error warnings when I do this:
L = (D[#, {r, 2}] + 1/r D[#, r]) &;
f[i_] := FromCharacterCode[i + 64]
DSolve[L[(D[φ[r], {r, 2}] + 1/r D[φ[r], r])] ==
0, φ[r], r, GeneratedParameters -> f]
What can I do to solve this problem better?
, etc. areSystem`
symbols, usually with built-in definitions that will cause trouble later. Best to avoid capitals. Perhaps formal capitals?:DSolve[y''[x] == 3 y[x] y'[x] + (3 y[x]^2 + 4 y[x] + 1), y[x], x] /. C[i_] :> FromCharacterCode[ i + 1 + ToCharacterCode["\[FormalCapitalA]"]]